True Life Story: My Rape Experience...

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True Life Story: My Rape Experience...

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feel dirty. I feel used. I feel like jumping off this building. Every day I wake, it is the same thought that goes through my mind. My childhood was that of a typical teenager. I played with my friends when the time was available, but I always remembered that homework was important. How else would I show I studied after school? I had gone on a holiday to stay with my Aunt and it was one of the best holidays ever. She had promised to have a small party for me as I turned 13. I looked forward to the weekend as my birthday fell on a week day. I had woken up and now that I remember I wish I never did. The day went on as usual and nothing ever pointed to what would happen. My Aunt had asked me to buy biscuits from the stall around the corner from the house. It was getting dark, but not too dark for me. I always ran to the stall and back. I asked Paul my cousin who was younger than me to accompany me. As we chatted, that was when I looked up and saw them; five hefty looking boys. They hit Paul on his head and he passed out. I screamed for help as they grabbed me. I wondered what the matter was. I was only thirteen. Did I take what was not mine? I turned to look at Paul, he looked lifeless. The slap across my face brought me back to reality. I begged for mercy as they tore my clothes, laughing and calling me names. I shut my eyes. My legs hurt as they forced them open and I heard them say ‘Na me go start‘… That was when I opened my eyes and saw the half naked body over me and he hit me across the face for daring to open my eyes and just then I felt the sharp pain as he rammed into me. My scream stopped half way. I felt him being pushed away and a different one continued. All five of them violated my body. I felt nothing. As they ran away leaving me in my blood, I crawled home to get help for Paul. I still feel nothing years after. All I see is black. My aunt warned that I tell no one. She secretly took me for all the tests available. Yet she said, tell no one. How can I tell anyone that I had lost my virginity to five boys? They would know how dirty am. I am stained, tainted. I am no good. I have no value. I am ashamed because I know it is my fault. I want out. I hate boys! I hate the girls who have never felt this pain. I hate the world. This is one of the numerous stories that I have heard and I still cannot fathom the idea. Rape is vile. What drives the thought? I chose the story above because the child was just thirteen so the case of her being under dressed or being a cock tease does not come to play. We have lived in silence about rape and it is slowly eating deep. It starts from home they say, ‘charity’. The values we in still in our children will live with them. If we don’t, who do we blame? I am no psycho analyst; I am just a concerned woman who has seen the effect of rape on the victim. Sometimes, we meet women who will never be caught with men. We judge them because we do not know what their experiences have been and why they have made certain choices. The victims who are not strong enough cave in to their fears. No matter how strong, the smell still stays with you. The flashes come and sometimes they are forced to die in silence because the society makes you believe it was your fault. I have heard some men call it ‘force within reasonable reason’. I have heard some women say, ‘why did she go to his house?’ ‘what was she doing there?’. These are not questions we should ask. Last I checked, ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ have totally different meanings. I am sharing the story above with you because I believe we can talk to her through this medium. She has started her healing because she has spoken. There is a cost for silence! ...

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True Life Story: My Rape Experience ...

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True Life Story: My Rape Experience ...

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True Life Story: My Rape Experience...

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True Life Story: My Rape Experience...

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True Life Story: My Rape Experience...

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True Life Story: My Rape Experience...

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I once had to apologize to the audience when I forgot my lyrics  –Darey Art Alade

Nigerian superstar singer, Darey Art Alade is Nigeria’s king of R&B still standing despite all odds. He’s the last son of Art Alade, a famous Nigerian highlife / jazz artiste and broad­caster in the sixties and seventies.
His journey to stardom began when he was a teenager during which he was invited to join Cool FM where he worked as a presenter for some years. In 2004, he participated in the real­ity TV show, Project Fame Africa and subsequently hosted the show when it debuted in West Africa. In this in­terview, Darey reflected on his child­hood ,music, family and other issues.
Your album is titled Na­ked. Why?
Why? Why not?
I saw all those nude im­ages you posted on twit­ter. What was it all about?
I was not naked. Was I naked? (Laughs).Those images are meta­phors to represent the real essence of the album. It’s about being vul­nerable and I needed to show my vulnerability. Taking a picture like that, I would never think I will do that in a thousand years. It’s not something I would do ordinarily. So, to do it meant having to ex­pose myself and if you want to talk about be­ing naked, it’s not in the sense of physical nakedness but we are rather talking about emotional vulner­ability. How do you illustrate that? It’s im­possible without such an image, of course, and it’s not obscene. It wasn’t about showing my genitalia and it was tastefully done. It’s an artistic expression which comes with a proviso so to speak. It’s not by itself. We have two different pictures and the hash tag is Darey naked to promote the album and we also had a quote, a different picture that had a quote, talking about you know, stripping your­self bare of any pretence or anything, any insecurity and sharing your story. The idea is to post that picture and share something about you that people do not know or you would not want to tell people normally.
Among the things you shared, you said you went to your old home. Could you tell us more about that?
I have lived in different parts of Lagos and I went to a few of them, not all of them.
There was one particular one you said the guy living there now welcomed you and the televi­sion had changed. So, what were your memories of that place?
Different memories. You know from the way your older siblings treated you to the way maybe you guys ate dinner. You know different memories of the house, like the smell of the house and some other things like that. All these things change over time and, of course, your experience as a child would be different from your experience as an adult going back to where you played or lived as a child. So, it’s about reminiscing and also just sharing, you know? I think people find it interesting when it’s not only about the music, they get to know you and you connect deeper to your fans that way.
What’s the inspiration, mean­ing or motive behind your song, Inside of me in the album?
The title is suggestive but we are not talking about anything more than love. It’s just about love, so it’s inside of you and the inspiration I mean is just to make a nice love song that mature adults can enjoy, that anybody can listen to .We wanted a mean­ingful love song, the type you will feel, an authentic heart-felt lyric not just let’s put some words together or let’s finish the song quickly. It was deliberately written, ar­ranged and made that way.
You did the song with Asa. What was it like working with her?
I have been friends with Asa for some time and she is like my sister. Asa and I have been close friends for many years but it was actually the first time we worked to­gether. So, for me it was very special and I know it was special for her too.
How long did it take you to compose that song?
It took a couple of days but the album took about six months to finish.
People say “Darey is the John Legend of Nigeria”. What’s your take about that?
It’s an honour to be compared to some­one like that. I have met him before and he is a really cool guy whose music I like. He has won Grammies, he has made so many hits and we both play the piano. Those are some of our similarities. However, I do not think my voice sounds like his voice.
Which famous musician in­spires you?
Well, my late father for one and people like Fela who I knew not just as a musician, I also knew him as my father’s friend. Femi Kuti is also a big brother to me, people like Lagbaja, Louis Armstrong, Beyonce, Jay z to mention a few.
What’s your worst embarrass­ment on stage?
It was a very long time ago before I even dreamt of writing my songs. I was perform­ing at a club, Jazz Ville at Onike, Yaba and I didn’t know all the lyrics of the song. At a point, when I started, I noticed I was sing­ing rubbish, I had to tell the band to stop. I apologised to the audience and told them I wanted to start again. I forgot the lyrics but it was not a concert and it was like a small arrangement then. It was a bit embarrass­ing but I got over it, it’s one of those things.
What brings you joy?
My family and then my music. Music always makes me happy and I’m happi­est when I spend time with my family just running around or playing football or doing something. I love spending time with them because I am always all over the place, so those few days or weeks I’m around, I tend to make it memorable.
Your image in many people’s mind is a guy who has a perfect family life, thriving career and you are seen as a very serious musician. But you know music attracts a lot of women. How do you handle female fans?
I have everything I want but nobody is perfect and there is no such thing as a perfect family. Even Obama and Michelle I am sure, have arguments and disagree­ments but that is what makes us human. At the end of the day, it’s the grace of God. I know you are talking about female fans but I have been doing this for a very long time and by now I know what to do and what not to do. I try and make sure I do not cre­ate that opportunity and I do not allow it to get out of hand. Some of them want to try and be funny but I just tactfully avoid them without offending them.
What’s the most embarrassing experience you have ever had with a female fan?
I remember one day, a young lady want­ed to take a picture with me and I was walking with my wife. You know when an event just finished,so you can imagine many people walking in different directions and you are trying to make your way out of the venue. Then somebody just called me Darey! Darey!! I want to take a picture with you. The next thing she did was to push my wife out of the way and she no even send anybody at that point. Her own was “I want my picture” and it was a bit embarrassing and my wife understood. She just moved away, you know we deal with all these things every day.
What should every man try at least once in a life time?
I think every man should at least ride a motorcycle. I’m not talking about okada or kekenapep. I used to ride a power bike, a fast motorcycle, but when the family be­gins to enter the matter, you have to behave yourself. Once in a while, it’s good for the thrill, just for the rush. It’s almost like sky diving or bounce jumping. If you have the liver, then try it and that’s what makes a man.
How romantic are you?
I try o. Romance is about the simple things, it is about doing some things at the unexpected time. It is not about how big the surprise is, you do it when she is not ex­pecting it. For instance, you can buy a bou­quet of flowers and go to her office. Maybe you do not normally go and meet her in her office, you can send it there and you put a very small note or write a note and put under her pillow, so when she is looking for something and she sees it, it’s that ele­ment of surprise. Communication is key, so from time to time, you just do some things that will surprise her, make her feel special. It’s not about how much you spend really, it’s not about anything fancy like going to an exotic place, there is no magic about it. It’s just about the moments and how you spend those moments.
So, as a very romantic guy, do you help your wife to do house­hold chores?
I do everything, I do anything. We have house helps but from time to time I do eve­rything from tidying up, cleaning this and cleaning that.
Which one of it do you enjoy?
I do not enjoy any of it. It’s the truth, I do not like house chores but I do have fun sometimes when I do them. It can be fun especially if you turn it into a game; maybe you involve the children by saying oya! tidy up after yourself and before you know it, you have done work but you do not make it seem as if it is work.
As a dad let’s talk about your kids, Tinuke and Femi. Are you the good cop or your wife is the bad cop?
Neither, we are both good and bad cops. When it’s time we whip them into shape if they are naughty.
Do you spank your kids?
From time to time, if they are really naughty, they can get a little spanking. So, they know they should behave especially, when you have told them over and over not to be naughty. You know how children can be.


An ex-wife’s remorse: I’m sorry I betrayed my ex-husband!

You get to a crossroads in your life and the road you decide to take could shape your life for ever – for better or worse. Some 20 years ago, Jennifer, a dentist, had an affair which broke up her marriage to a man she had fallen in love with since they met at medical school. So why is she feeling so remorseful after all these years? “The answer is simple,” she said. “I want forgiveness.
It’s a word I’ve considered a great deal in the last few years. I hope that by saying sorry for all the hurt and pain I caused in the past, I can convey how strongly I regret what I did – and that John, my ex, will be able to forgive me. In my heart, I have crafted a letter of remorse to John. It reads:
gIt all seems like yesterday, when we were both fresh-face undergraduates at medical school – the whole of our lives stretching uncertainly before us. We had what I’d call an ‘on and off’ relationship for a few years, but we became serious after my 21st birthday party. My parents and siblings loved you and we began talking about the future together in our final year. We quickly got engaged when we started work – you with a private
hospital whilst I remained at the teaching hospital.
“Two years later, we got married and began building our life together as a married couple. I was the happiest woman in the world. When I said my vows, God knows I meant them. I never ever thought I’d betray you the way I did. At first, married life was all I’d dreamt it to be. I thought of you as my ‘partner in crime’ and I know you felt the same way. Our house was always opened to friends and family as we loved having them
around. You never forgot my birthday or our anniversary, but it wasn’t about showing gifts, it was the small thoughtful gestures too – like being a huge help in the house, even offering to cook meals when I became pregnant. Yet, I threw it all away. How could I have been stupid?
“You were a great father to our daughter and when you got a better job, it came with living quarters and it was perfect. Sadly, you complained of being unhappy in your job and in the end, you just resigned. We had to live in rented accommodation and money was tight. Our rows were huge and explosive. Angry and resentful, I set myself on a destructive path, which led me into the arms – and bed – of a colleague. Of course I
don’t blame you for how I reacted – it was entirely my doing – but occasionally, I wonder what might have happened if you’d only talked to me about quitting your job first. I would have supported you.
“Dare was a consultant I’d worked with for years who was constantlyly flirting with me.  I was very attracted to him, but aqlways rebuffed his advances, telling him I was happily married – which I was. But one day, after you’d called me at work complaining about the owner of the clinic you now worked for, Dare came into my office and found me crying. He took me to lunch to calm me down and that’s how it began. One lunch turned into several lunches, which turned into evenings out planned around your night duties, and eventually intoa full-blown affair.  And because of yoru erratic schedule at work, it wasn’t too difficult to hide what I was up to.  It’s no excuse, but Dare caught me at a low point in our marriage.
“I was vulnerable alright, but I could have said no. I was obviously looking for something that would make me feel good, something to take my mind away from the stress and tension at home. In fairness to Dare, he wasn’t just a meaningless affair. I felt in love with him – even though I was still in love with you.  Those who have never been in my position will say it is impossible to love two people at the same time, but I know it’s not. I knew I should stop seeing Dare, but an affair is like a drug – it’s addictive.  It was stressful living a double life, but the highs on an affair meant I kept going back. Now, with hindsight, I still can’t believe I did it. It’s a mistake I’ve learned from but, at the time, I was in too deep.
“Meanwhile, my relationship with you was deteriorating. We’d stopped communicting and laughing, and became distant. My behaviour must have aroused your suspicion. A few months later, mutual `friends’ at the teaching hospital let you know what was going on and I couldn’t lie out of your accusation to save my life. When you asked  if I was having an affair with Dare, I was petrified because I knew the next words to come out of my mouth were going to break our marriage.  And they did.
“The disgusting look on your face made me feel so small. I couldn’t have hurt you more if I’d stuck a knife in your back.  At first we thought we could work it out. It was a huge relief for me to admit to the affair as I’d been living a lie. But one big hurdle standing in our way was that I still had to work with Dare.  As a couple, we couldn’t afford for me to quit my job so I continued to work in the same hospital but told Dare we had to cool things. Unfortunately, that was harder than I expected.  I really did love him, seeing him everyday fanned the flames and the affair reignited a few weeks later.  Eventually, you could take no more and when you told me you could no longer trust me, we agreed our marriage was over. I’d failed it, ruined it. I’d let you and our daughter down, my family too and I’d let myself down.
“With Dare’s help, I was able to live in one of the flats on the hospital premises as we agreed on a clean divorce. Still when I got the divorce papers and I saw you’d cited `adultery’, it hurt. I don’t blame you, though. What a sad ending to our love story. Dare and I were together for 15 years afterwards, although we chose not to have more children as he already had three of his own. For a good few years after my divorce, I carried a huge amount of guilt and it took me a while to feel happy again. But I am now.
“Sadly, Dare and I drifted apart and separated four years ago. Inevitably, I reflected on whether breaking up from you had been worth it. But I’d had many good years with Dare, and I hoped that you were happy too.
“Through snippets of information from friends and our daughter, I learnt that your second marriage is good. I truly hope that’s the case, you were a decent husband to me. So why am I feeling so remorseful now? Three years ago, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had both breasts taken out. It was touch and go but after a gruelling treatment, I’m now in remission. I have no cancer symptoms and I’m living my life to the full. Selfishly, I’d thought that you might want to know I had cancer, but then our daughter must have told you. What did I expect you to do about it? All I want is for you to forgive me and I’m sure you have. In return, I hope you are healthy and happy – you deserve to be … “
What An Eye-Opener! (Humour)
Young Judith ran out to the back-yard, where her father is chopping wood. She looks up at the hard-working parent, smiles and asks: ‘Daddy, what is ‘sex’? Laying down his axe, the old-timer sits beside his daughter and starts to explain about the birds and the bees. Then he tells her about conception, sperm and eggs. Next he thinks, “What the hell – I
might as well explain the whole works, and goes into great detail about puberty, menstruation, erection and wet dreams.
Judith’s eyes bulge as her old man continues his lesson, moving on to masturbation, oral and group sex, pornography, bestiality, dildos and homosexuality. Realising he has probably gone too far, the father pauses and asks: “So Judith, why do you want to know about sex?” “Well”, says the fresh-face youngster, “Mummy said to tell you that lunch will be ready in a couple of secs.”


ALLEGED $2bn arms deal fraud: EFCC uncovers another N600m scam

ABUJA—The Economic  and Financial Crimes Commission, yesterday, continued its arrest of high profile politicians and top military officers over the $2bn arms contract allegedly disbursed by the Office of National Security Adviser, ONSA. Suspects arrested, yesterday, included the former Chairman of the Presidential Implementation Committee on Marine Safety, Air Vice Marshal Salihu Atawodi.
Atawodi, Bafarawa, Dasuki and Dokpesi
Atawodi, Bafarawa, Dasuki and Dokpesi
Atawodi was accused of alleged diversion of N600 million meant for acquisition of military boats for the use of the Nigerian armed forces.
Others who are already being detained in connection with the arms deal include former National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki; Chairman Emeritus of Daar Communications, High Chief Raymond Dokpesi, former governor of Sokoto State, Attahiru Bafarawa and former Minister of State for Finance, Bashir Yuguda.
Chief Dokpesi reportedly told EFCC interrogators that the N2.1bn he collected from the NSA was meant for election publicity in media houses across the country, a disclosure strongly discountenanced by media operatives yesterday.
Atawodi was said to have awarded the contract for the boats and fully paid for them while none was supplied at the end of the day, thereby making Nigeria lose the funds.
According to a competent source in the EFCC, Atawodi, who recently retired from the Air Force, was arrested Wednesday and taken into EFCC custody for questioning.
The former fighter pilot, the source claimed, is likely to be charged with conspiracy, abuse of public office and misappropriation of public funds.
He awarded the contract to one Alhaji Rabiu’s Hypertech Nigeria Limited. The contractor was fully paid but the boats were never supplied.
The source  further disclosed that the contract award process violated the Procurement Act.
AVM Atawodi who has been on the radar of the anti-graft agency since 2013, was quizzed for several hours on Wednesday, December 2, 2015, after he responded to the invitation extended to him. He arrived EFCC headquarters at about 11am.
EFCC spokesman, Wilson Uwujaren confirmed Atawodi’s presence at the Commission, adding that he is assisting the investigation.
At press time, the retired Air Force officer was still with operatives of the commission.
His arrest added to the increasing number of high profile Nigerian politicians and top military officers implicated in the diversion of defence budget, which the Buhari administration has sworn to unearth and punish.
Arrests one-sided, says PDP
The Peoples Democratic Party, which was in power when the alleged diversion of huge funds occurred, has, however, kicked against the attempt to bring these men to justice, describing the move as politically motivated and one-sided.
I implicated nobody — Dasuki
Meanwhile, embattled former National Security Adviser, NSA, Col. Sambo Dasuki, rtd, yesterday, refuted reports that he implicated many persons, including stalwarts of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in the statement he volunteered before the panel probing his alleged complicity  in the $2billion arms purchase deal.
Speaking through his lawyer, Mr. Ahmed Raji, SAN, yesterday, Dasuki, said he never made any statement or implicated anyone or group at the Economic & Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, even as he wondered  where the reports emanated from.
Raji said: “I was with Dasuki yesterday (Wednesday) and wish to make categorical statement that my client never made any statement of such nature or naming anybody or group in any statement.
“Quote me anywhere, Dasuki has not done anything like that. It is absolutely untrue. It is the figment of the imagination of the authors aimed at creating falsehood for reasons best known to them and Nigerians should disregard them.
“They are just out to scandalise the man, bring his image and character into disrepute so that his friends and well wishers can run away from him. They want him deserted and that will fail”, he added.
Court rules on Dasuki’s bail Dec 8
Meantime, Justice Ademola Adeniyi of the Federal High Court in Abuja, yesterday, fixed December 8 to deliver ruling on an application by the federal government, seeking to revoke Dasuki’s bail.
FG had in the application it filed pursuant to Section 169 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act, 2015, also sought an order  committing the former NSA to prison pending his trial.
Already, the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Mr. Abubakar Malami, SAN, has contracted a private prosecutor,  Mr. Oladipupo Opeseyitan, SAN, to handle the case for government.
Opeseyitan who announced his appearance at the resumed hearing on the matter yesterday, told trial Justice Adeniyi that he has gone before the court of appeal to challenge the ruling that permitted Dasuki to travel to the United Kingdom for medical treatment.
He said that he has  also  filed a motion for stay of execution of the ruling, even as he urged the high court to put the ruling on hold pending determination of the appeal.
Responding, Dasuki’s lawyer, Raji,  told the court that he was only served a copy of the motion yesterday morning, saying he would need time to reply accordingly.
It will be recalled that though Dasuki was on September 1, granted bail by the high court on self recognition, however, trial Justice Ademola Adeniyi, on November 3, while granting the defendant leave to travel abroad for medical treatment, varied his bail condition.
Justice Adeniyi ordered the erstwhile NSA to produce a surety that must be ready to face prosecution should he (Dasuki), go into hiding after his medical treatment in the United Kingdom.
The court further directed the release of his hitherto seized traveling documents,   saying Dasuki should return same to the Deputy Chief Registrar, Litigation of the high court within 72 hours of his return from the three-week medical trip.
It was this order that  government asked the court to vacate by revoking the bail  granted to the defendant.
On why the bail should be revoked, FG, told the court that Dasuki is undergoing investigation by the committee auditing procurement of arms/equipment in the Armed Forces and Defence Sector from 2007 to date.
It said that an interim report of the committee showed that over $2 billion was allegedly embezzled and that Dasuki’s presence is required to assist in further investigations.
“That there is a Federal Government directive for the arrest of all those indicted by the report, including the defendant (Dasuki) and that the ongoing investigation which borders on money laundering against the defendant has not been concluded and there is fear that investigation might be tampered with on account of foreign visit by the respondent before the completion of investigation.
It maintained  that the ailment for which permission was given to Dasuki to travel to the United Kingdom for treatment can be properly treated in the National Hospital, Abuja and other teaching hospitals in Nigeria.
Besides, FG, told the court  that there is an intelligence report that Dasuki has concluded plans to take advantage of the court order releasing his international passport to escape justice and tamper with ongoing investigations.
Despite the permission of the court, FG, using operatives of the Department of State Service, DSS, prevented Dasuki from travelling outside the country.
He was subsequently arrested and handed over to the EFCC for interrogation over the alleged $2bn arms deal fraud.
I didn’t receive a dime from Dasuki— Bafarawa
In a related development, former Governor of Sokoto State, Attahiru Bafarawa who is also being being held by the anti-graft commission in connection with the arms deal money has denied receiving any money from Dasuki. He was said to have collected about N4.6 billion from the Office of the National Security Adviser, for “spiritual purposes”.
An aide of the former governor who served under him as a Special Adviser on Youth and Students Matters, Alhaji Akibu Dalhatu said yesterday that his boss had no such financial dealing with the former NSA nor did he collect any money from him for any purpose.
“The former governor of Sokoto state, Alhaji Attahiru Bafarawa did not receive any money from Col. Sambo Dasuki for any arms deal or for any purpose” Dalhatu said.
Dalhatu who said he had visited the former governor at the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) headquarters, added that his boss was never arrested at home or anywhere else as alleged in some quarters saying Bafarawa merely honoured an invitation extended to him by the anti-graft agency.
“The truth is that Governor Bafarawa went to the EFCC to honour  an invitation made to him by the agency while he was abroad. He had informed them through a letter by his lawyers that he was abroad and would honour their invitation on return. Governor Bafarawa went to the office of EFCC with his lawyer and an aide” he said.


Man to die by hanging over N14,570 robbery

Ado-Ekiti — An Ado-Ekiti High Court, yesterday, sentenced one David Olugboyega to death by hanging for armed robbery involving N14,570.
Justice John Adeyeye passed the judgment following the confessional statement of the convict and the conclusion of trial by the prosecution.
“An accused may be convicted on his own confession alone as long as the court was satisfied. Based on the confessional statement of the accused, the court found him guilty as charged. Besides, the prosecution has also proved his case beyond reasonable doubt by providing seven witnesses.
“The accused is hereby sentenced to death by hanging. This will serve as deterrent to others in the society. May God have mercy on your soul,” he said.
During trial, the prosecutor, Mr Alaba Adeyemi, told the court that the convict committed the offence on March 20, 2003 at Araromi Street, Ikere -Ekiti.
He said the convict, armed with dangerous weapons including gun and cutlass, robbed three people of N14,570.
Specifically, Adeyemi said the convict robbed Kola Owolabi of N8,000; Beatrice Olawumi, N5,000 and Idowu Abiodun, N1,570.
The prosecution called seven witnesses to prove the case.
The convict, who made confessional statement at the police station, opted to defend himself without a lawyer.
He pleaded guilty to the charge and also confessed to have been involved in series of robberies. The convict confessed to have joined a gang when he was in a prison.


IS claims killing of Aden governor in Yemen car bombing

The Islamic State group on Sunday claimed responsibility for a car bomb attack that killed the governor of Yemen’s second city Aden.
A statement posted on Twitter by the jihadist group said it was behind the blast that struck the convoy of Jaafar Saad as it travelled through Aden’s Tawahi neighbourhood early Sunday.
The governor of Yemen’s second city Aden was killed on Sunday by a car bomb that tore through a residential neighbourhood, a local official and witnesses said.
The attack killed Jaafar Saad and an unspecified number of his bodyguards in the Tawahi district of the major port city, the sources said.
Tawahi has become a stronghold in recent months for jihadists including Al-Qaeda, whose militants have expanded their presence across the city.
Saad was only recently appointed governor and was known to be close to President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, who returned to Aden last month after several months in exile in Riyadh.
Pro-Hadi forces, backed by a Saudi-led coalition, have battled Iran-backed rebels in Yemen since March, after the insurgents overran the capital Sanaa and advanced south, forcing Hadi’s government to flee.
Saad’s death comes a day after the country’s UN envoy held talks with Hadi in Aden aimed at kickstarting peace talks between the warring sides.


Abia’s gov, Ikpeazu loses mom

UMUAHIA – MRS. Bessie Ikpeazu (Nee Nwagwu), the mother of Abia State Governor, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu is dead. She was aged 87. According to a statement issued on his behalf by his Chief Press Secretary, Goidwin Adindum, Governor Ikpeazu confirmed the death of his mother last Sunday at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) Enugu after a brief illness.
Born on May 27, 1928 to Mr. /Mrs. Nwagwu Anaba of Umuafor Village in Obingwa Council of Abia State, late Bessie Ikpeazu was a career nurse and midwife.
As a nurse, Mrs. Ikpeazu worked at Ahoada County Hospital, Ahoada Rivers State, Okpuala Ngwa General Hospital and Nigerian Christian Hospital, Onitcha Ngwa in Aba where she served as the matron until she retired in 1994. During this period, she also served as the Nursing Supervisor for the Motherless Babies Home, Adventist Hospital, Aba.
Mrs. Ikpeazu was the founder and owner of Ulari Maternity Home/Clinic Umuobiakwa, a clinic where she saved many lives for no charge and delivered thousands of babies for little or no charge.
She is survived by children, Governor Okezie Victor Ikpeazu, Mrs. Ocheze Edith Ugboaja and Barrister Iheanyichukwu Ugonna Ikpeazu.


BIAFRA: Uwazuruike renames MASSOB

The leader of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, Chief Ralph Uwazuruike, has in a surprise move, announced a new name, Biafra Independent Movement, BIM, for the group.bim Chief Uwazuruike, made the announcement Sunday while addressing the press in Owerri, also said that he was irked by the bad corporate image some dissidents of MASSOB, was attracting to the group.
“The change in name became absolutely necessary because of the sad introduction of violence by the disgruntled dissidents and this is at variance with the non-violence stance of MASSOB over the years”, Uwazuruike said.
He said that real loyalists of MASSOB feel ashamed to be associated with violence, promising that they will restructure MASSOB to make it the youth wing of the Biafra Independent Movement.
While saying that there is vicarious liability in civil law, Chief Uwazuruike equally recalled how he recruited Nnamdi Kanu in 1989, to head Radio Biafra.
“I recruited Nnamdi Kanu in 1989, when I established Radio Biafra and appointed him the director of the establishment. He started preaching hatred and brainwashing the youths. MASSOB sacked him”, Uwazuruike recalled.


Atiku congratulates Kogi people, says Nigeria’s democracy enriched

Former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar and chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), on Sunday in Abuja, congratulated the people and government of Kogi on the election of Alhaji Yahaya Bello as Governor.
It would be recalled that the state had been in a diffiucult situation since Nov. 22 when Prince Abubakar Audu, APC candidate, died and INEC declared the gubernatorial election inconclusive on the same day.
It would also be recalled that Audu’s running mate, James Faleke, had headed to court over the same issue, insisting he should be declared governor-elect because Bello did not participate in the campaigns.
A statement by Atiku’s Head of Media, Mr Paul Ibe, commended political and opinion leaders of the state and INEC for the successful conclusion of the supplementary election.
“The fact that the election resulted in a clear winner after all the doubts, tension, uncertainty, stresses and strains, is a testimony to the fact that the people of the state are resilient and peace- loving.
“It shows that when adhered to, the tenets of democracy tends to yield an outcome satisfying to the people.
“The outcome of the election, has to a significant extent, enriched the nation’s democracy because it has shown that Nigerians can manage complex situations and yet make something out of it to the satisfaction of all concerned.’’
The statement enjoined the governor-elect to carry everyone along as he sets out to organise his government for the good of the party and the people of the state at large.
It advised aggrieved parties to respect the memory of late Audu “who was coasting to victory before his sudden death, by availing themselves of the known constitutional ways of seeking redress after an election’’.
“The peaceful and conclusive manner the polls ended shows indeed that the late Prince Abubakar Audu was beloved by his people and that they are determined to keep faith with his ideals.’’
The statement commended the national leadership of the APC for its maturity and wisdom in directing affairs of the party in Kogi, saying its focused leadership yielded the victory.


‘Entrepreneurs in 54 African countries to access $100m’

THE Tony Elumelu Foundation says it has earmarked $100 million (about N20 billion) facility for entrepreneurs in 54 African countries under its entrepreneurship programme (TEEP) for 2016.
The Foundation also invested a total of $4,860,000, including $1,405,000 in agriculture; $410,000 in education and training; and $365,000 in manufacturing, in 2015.
In a statement, the Foundation CEO Parminder Vir OBE, said the second annual round of the programme will commence from January 1 next year, adding, “The programme is open to citizens and legal residents of all 54 African countries. Applications for 2016 open on 1st January and can be made by any for-profit business based in Africa in existence for less than three years, including new business ideas.”
The CEO further stated that last year, the Foundation empowered 1,000 African entrepreneurs, selected from over 20,000 applicants, with start-up investment, active mentoring, business training, an entrepreneurship boot camp and regional networking across Africa.
“Entrepreneurs, with an average age range of 21-40, from 51 African countries completed the programme and received $5,000 in seed capital for their start-up businesses. The entries for 2016 programme will opens at 00:00am WAT on 1st January 2016 and will accept applications until midnight WAT on March 1st, 2016.
To be eligible, entrepreneurs must complete the online application form with questions on their background, experience and business idea, plans for growth and proposed pan-African impact. Applications are reviewed by an Advisory Board of distinguished African entrepreneurs.
“Africa does not need aid alone, it needs investment and it needs entrepreneurs. TEEP brings both and our ability to bring capital and the necessary support, for those who will help Africa harness its enormous potential is creating extraordinary opportunities across the continent,” said the CEO.
Stella Nakatudde, founder of ICT Company, Ella Solutions Ltd, based in Uganda, said: “Since being selected for TEEP 2015, I have learned invaluable life and business lessons, expanded and enriched my business network, opened our first office, hired two staff and closed two web development deals. TEEP is not just a means to start or propel your business; it is the torch that will light your entrepreneurship journey for life and the pen that will script your story in the new African Narrative”.
U.S Secretary of Commerce, Honorable Penny Pritzker commented “I am pleased to see Tony Elumelu investing in entrepreneurs through The Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme across Africa to work towards fostering communities of innovation”.
“I set out to institutionalise luck with the Foundation and give back to the Continent that made me.”
In the words of Tony Elumelu, the Founder of the Foundation, entrepreneurship can chart a new course of development for Africa, with Africans taking responsibility for wealth creation, creating value adding businesses here in Africa and this is why I encourage applications from across the continent, regardless of age, gender, religion or colour.
TEEP is driven by Elumelu’s philosophy of Africapitalism, which calls for the African private sector to focus on long term investments that create social and economic prosperity in Africa, and take the lead role in Africa’s transformation.


I started multi-million Naira precious metals firm with N5,000 —Olulana, Raregems CEO

Talatu Olulana, the founder and CEO of Raregems Nigeria Limited,  is the pioneer dealer in precious metals  in Nigeria. She started the business  in year 2000 with just N5000 out of her love for jewellery. I call her a  model of SME success in Nigeria. A woman that looks beyond what will put daily food on her table, she focuses on leaving a mark  for the generations behind.
How she got to where she is today
As a young girl growing up, I remember I used to have loads of jewellery magazines though I didn’t have any jewellery of my own took interest in looking at the jewellers, especially the stones and I began to learn the names. My first  opportunity of  dealing with jewellery came when I was in higher institution. I had a friend who was selling gold and any time she came from Italy, she was giving me some to sell on commission basis and I was even selling more than her. By the time I graduated from  school, I already knew I was going to deal in jewellery and I didn’t bother looking for paid employment. I just made enquiries on how to go about it and I was told to go to Cotonou. Because I didn’t have money on my own, my mother gave me N5000 and I started  buying and selling  costume jewellery. I hawked my goods from shop to shop and to offices. Many times, I sold everything same day I bought them but because of the little capital, I found myself going to Cotonou three times a week. We started branding wedding rings with our logo R&G, on it after four years and later to necklace and earrings with our logo on the hooks.
Talatu Olulana
Talatu Olulana
It was curiosity that brought me into branding and that was what gave me breakthrough in the business. In the course of selling my stuff, a customer ordered for a wedding ring with her name written on it and she gave me pictures of what she wanted. I didn’t have idea of how to do it but I took it as a challenge. That was how I started searching the internet to look for a company which could do it for me and I got one in France. Because of the money involved due to the diamond stone the customer wanted on the ring, I didn’t want to take the risk of sending money and so I decided to travel to get it with the little savings I had. After getting it done, from there, I was introduced to a lot of people which was a major breakthrough for me.
Today, it is not only me, we are a company. I see Raregems as bigger than me because we now have 140 retail partners all over the country. We also have in Dublin, America and France. I did a short course in design when I went to buy the ring which I completed online in Nigeria because of the short period I stayed. I don’t want to take glory for a lot of work being put in by people behind the scene and that is why I like to use ‘we’.
Not satisfying with just buying and selling
Once you put your hands on the plough, there is no looking back.  I realised that there are lots of things to do. We went into precious Metals business in 2010 and, by God’s grace, we are the first indigenous company in Nigeria to do that.  We offer opportunity for people who want to build gold or silver reserves just like the way they invest in building houses and other aspects of investment because they appreciate  in value. The price of gold four years ago is not the same today. One can build it over time, sell and make profit on  daily basis when you see the price increases just like the way people trade in shares and foreign currencies.  Precious metals are tangible than shares because if you buy a piece of gold, you can hold it, it is yours and, in case of emergency or any situation,  you can sell part of it and go to another location to start your life. This you cannot  do  in building investment as it is not possible to cut part of a building and sell. Even if you can do it, it will take time before you can see somebody to buy half building.
How do you do it?
We have equipment for casting them which is more of local, but we have higher level which is minting, but because of finance, we can’t do that now. We have the mode where we smelt the gold and cast it. Building a reserve is not like jewellery. You mould the gold bars because the temptation of wearing it is high. If it is jewellery,  it is not pure gold because the stones will be removed when you want to sell it and stones in your gold is not gold. When you have gold bars, it is raw gold which is called professional gold and jewellery does not fall into that category.
Another advantage of having gold reserves is that you can cut out of your gold bar and sell to meet immediate needs which you cannot do with your building.
On security
You can talk to your bank to keep it in their vault to avoid theft and, if you can’t, our company can talk to our bank to keep it for you.
To people who wants to invest
For a starter, you can start with gold or silver. It is good because they appreciate and, with Raregems, you are sure of selling it at the current World Stock Price for that day any time you want to sell unlike the gold traders in the general market that toss people around.
We believe that the present government will improve power and also support us to bring in equipment for production of jewellery in Nigeria because we have all the raw materials here. We have the stones, brass and  one of the best grades of steel in Nigeria. If we bring in the equipment, it will employ a lot of people.
Impact on young people
After 15 years of growth, we have impacted a lot of people both young and old. We give people the  opportunity to be empowered financially. We give jewellery to people to retail and make money. It may not be their main source of income because lots of them work in offices, and they don’t need capital to start because we already have an e-store where we give them opportunity to make up to 50-100% profit on each item.
We also have mentoring platform for people who are not in jewellery business because I went through a lot when I started. I didn’t have anyone to go to for mentoring and direction. So the platform is for young people who have business ideas and they are passionate about what they are doing.
Raregems did not just emerge. A lot of work and structuring went underground and it is not by luck that got us to where we are today. We also teach people how not to eat all their profit, however small it may be. In  my family, they used to call me Ijebu businesswoman but I was looking at the future that I had to grow the business to the point where it could sustain itself. So I was saving my profit since I knew I did not have anyone to support me financially. That is part of what we teach people because no investor will invest without seeing anything on ground.
Advice to young people
Nigeria is land opportunities. Our population alone gives us advantage though it maybe a disadvantage to some people. For entrepreneurs, it is a great advantage because there are lots of areas of people’s needs. There is  room for people to build new businesses but our young people need to be focused and persistent. Nobody will give them money to start anything and so they should start at whatever level they are. Raregems too took a route before it got to where it is today. Young people should also be opened to knowledge. I learnt a lot from  reading. One does not need to go to the four walls of the classroom. They can learn online.
To women
Though I started before I got married, today, I have five children. I am someone that plans a lot. I draw my plan as a project which I heard from my spiritual father, Bishop Oyedepo. He will always tell us to take everything in life as a project which make us to get serious. I prioritise my children first and then my business.
Women can actually work and at the same time protect their home front. Internet has made everything easy, women can work online and still have time to take care of the children. Housewives too can maximise the potentials of the Internet to become what they want to be without having stores or office and make money on daily basis.
It is the fear of God. You can not put God out of you but to put all your trust in Him. That is where I get my balance from, otherwise  I will find myself swinging and not knowing where I belong. Once you get it right with God, every other thing will be on that foundation.


We network to move SMEs forward — Adegboyega

Adetunji Adegboyega is the CEO of Hesges Synergy Nigerian Limited, a business development and investment network. In this interview, Adegboyega explains how the company aims to bring people of like minds together to create a network that helps entrepreneurs achieve their  objectives. 
How do you describe network development small scale business amid the challenges faced by small and medium scale business owners in Nigeria ?
Networking is the way forward to source for funds for small scale business owners.  We are a business development and investment company, a network of like-minded people coming together to help each other fund small and medium scale businesses. The general idea behind the company is using the medium of crowd funding to help each other achieve whatever goal or aim they have in life. To put in another way, each subscriber to the network comes into the network with a token amount and contribution monthly. This will help every member of the network to be able to achieve his goals.
But there are micro finance banks in the country. What actually inspired the idea?
Adetunji Adegboyega
Adetunji Adegboyega
Yes, it is a known fact that Nigeria is a developing country, a country of people with diverse business ideas. It is also a known fact that a country like ours thrives more on small and medium scale enterprises. Government cannot provide business funding and support for everybody, thus the need for individuals to develop businesses of their own that can be managed, sustained and make them ultimately become self reliant. However, the key to any business development is funding and in Nigeria for example, there are two ways of securing funding; through the banks and from rich relatives and acquaintances. Banks for obvious reasons will not fund start-ups and how many people have rich relatives to support them? Therefore you find out that a lot of people with business ideas needing as little as N50,000, N100,000, N500,000 will never be able to execute their ideas because no means of them getting these start up funds.This is why we have come up with the idea of HESGES SYNERGY or simply HS. All you need to do become a member of this network is by paying a monthly subscription fee, bring your business idea and the network will fund and develop it for you. With this alternative of business funding network, a lot of people whose dreams, ideas and passions have hitherto   been unachievable, they will be able to achieve their dreams.
Amid the austerity measures, do you think Nigerians will buy into it?
Absolutely, because this is what everybody has been waiting for. Our plan is to revolutionise the business environment in Nigeria. Our slogan is a” network that changes your net-worth”. On her own is an employer of labour and we are looking into creating about 100,000 jobs, from our investment network. We are investing in and focusing on Agriculture, Real estate and retailing. So you see that the  network is a viable option for that unemployed person to get job. There is need to also point something out here that when we fund businesses, we don’t just give loans or funds to people for them to go and do whatever they want, but the funding   will be on the basis or model of venture capital. This implies that we will be part of the business from inception to fruition
But it is relatively new in Nigeria, what steps are you taking to educate Nigerians about its benefits?
Absolutely. But on like every other business the success is determined by, enlightenment and publicity is very important. That is the reason we are taking steps to educate Nigerians about its benefits. In this regard we are utilizing all publicity platform both online and the print media.
How can entrepreneurs be part of it?
Any Nigerian can be a part of the network.   Our website,, is open for registration and anybody can register online. In addition, subscription payment will also be made on our website using Remittas payment and Zenith Bank Webpay, wherein any subscriber can pay with their ATM card and anybody who doesn’t want to pay online can also go and make payment through any bank in Nigeria using the code generated during registration.
Once registration is done such a person become an active subscriber to the network and is issued a Membership Card. The card can be used at Hesges Synergy stores and partners’ stores to purchase things at a discount. Upon becoming a subscriber, such a person can submit his or her business proposal for approval and funding. Our target is every Nigerian that needs funding for their small and medium scale business. Every Nigerian entrepreneur needs wide coverage customer base for their business.


Would you date a lover who slept with your friend?

You happen to bump into the man or woman of your dreams. He/she fits the list and has it all checked off twice.
You bring him around to your friend in hopes that they give the stamp of approval only to find out the world is getting smaller because your new-found lover slept with your friend before. Awkward? The circumstances might be different, but could you have a relationship with someone who slept with your friend? Here are the responses of our celebrities:
She’s gone if … – Buchi, Comedian
For me, it’s kind of difficult. If it was something that happened in the past before we met, I will still date her for who she is now. But if it happened while we were dating, she’s gone!
If it’s God’s will, I will – Blessing Patrick, Actress
I will still date him if I confirm from God that he is his will for me. If it is God’s will, it will be corrected and we will have a happy relationship. There’s no forgiveness without sin. The truth is, he messed up, but then, what is God’s will about him for me? God has the final say. Until he says No!, I don’t have the right to reject him. He could be even better than the one who doesn’t cheat.
Yes, I will – Empress Njamah, Actress
Yes, I will still date him. He’s only a lover, not a boyfriend or husband. Since we’re not into a strong relationship, I can let it pass.
I’ll find out why it happened – Crystal Okoye, Actress
Yes, I will, but I’ll find out why it happened. It could be that my friend seduced him or the other way round. All the same, I will find out the reasons for his actions before going back to him.
Not at all! Never! – Adokiye, Singer/Actress
Not at all. Never. That relationship could cost me my life. Risking one’s life for such a relationship is not worth it. If I find myself in such a situation, I would forgive them both at the end of the day. But I don’t think I would want to have anything close and intimate to do with them again. Such people can’t be close to one and that kind of act can’t be totally forgotten, even if forgiven.
No, he has no respect for me – Amanda Ebeye, Actress
Of course not. I wouldn’t date a lover who slept with my friend because it shows that he has no respect for me.


Uti’s confession: I have broken hearts and my heart has been broken too

Uti Nwachukwu is a multi talented dude who burst into the limelight when he won Big Brother Africa       Season 5, The All Stars edition in 2010.Ever since, the debonair entertainer has continued to up his game and remains a force to reckon with in the Nigerian entertainment scene.
Uti Nwachukwu
Uti Nwachukwu
Handsome, stylish and rich too, many would think this guy has women falling over him as easily as a piece of candy but it is not so. Uti has had his share of heartbreaks just as he has broken a few of others too. He owned up to Ayo Onikoyi in a recent chat.
“Of course who hasn’t?” He retorted when I asked him if his heart has ever been broken. “And I have had my heart broken too. We all break people’s hearts please.
Let’s leave that one. They have broken my heart, they have crushed it. I have broken heart and my heart has been broken. especially     when I was young   in my late 20’s.Right now, I am trying to allow myself to be loved. The last girl that was on my case said something to me:’Uti allow somebody to love you’ and I guess I did”


Some stories cannot be told without sex scenes — Titi Oshinowo

Titi  Osinowo is one of the budding actresses in the Yoruba movie industry making waves. She is a graduate of English Language, Tai Solarin University of Education. The light-skinned role interpreter has featured in movies like Halimat, The Valleys Between and This Time Tomorrow. In this interview, she talks about her worst location experience, the injection of sex in movies, what makes her cry and other issues.
oshinowo titiYou started with soaps but seem to be doing more of Yoruba films, why?
I just found myself doing lots of Yoruba movies these days.
May be I should say it soothes me better.

Talking about movies, why haven’t you been taking many lead roles?
That’s a billion dollar question. It’s not easy getting lead roles except you produce your movies or you compromise on your standard which I don’t intend to.

What has been your worst location experience?
The producer of the movie wanted to date me and because I refused, he didn’t give me a room to stay. He also didn’t pay me after I had spent days on the location, working.

What did you do when the producer refused to pay for your services?
I walked away.

Why do we always have sex scandals in Nollywood?
Sex scandals? I’d rather zip my lips on that.

How do you see the injection of sex scenes into our films?
I’m indifferent about that. It’s a make-belief world. Sex is everywhere. And there are stories that would not be well told if there are no sex scenes.

Which pays more, soap operas or movies?
Soap operas pay per each episode and not scenes. Unlike movies where you get paid for your appearance in the whole movie.

What was your first appearance on set like?
I was nervous but thank God for the director who made me feel at home with the role. The crew were also wonderful.

It is said that no woman, no cry. So, what makes Titi cry?
Heartbreak, or the loss of a loved one. Also, I become emotional when I’m overwhelmed worshipping God.

(Cut in) In the mood of worship?
(Laughs) Yes, that’s the right word.

How do you unwind?
I stay indoors to study the word of God and watching movies.

You sound like the ‘’churchy’’ type?
I am the only daughter of my parents. I come from a family of five. Ours is a core Christian background. This influenced my lifestyle a lot. I am very prayerful till date. I grew up with a strict father who doesn’t allow me go out or entertain visitors. It was just me and my folks till I gained admission into the university.

Describe yourself?
I am patient, tolerant and prayerful.

Some actresses say acting does not pay their bills, is this true with you?
Yes it doesn’t pay, it’s just the passion that keeps me moving.

What is the nicest thing acting has brought you?
Acting has improved my attitude. Acting is like another world and that means working on my attitude to soothe that world.

What has  been the best thing ever written about you?
I can’t remember .

Apart from acting, do you engage in other things?
Yes, I am trying to get another job. I’m a versatile person so don’t be surprised when you see another side of Titi Oshinowo.

Can you date an actor?
Yes I can if he’s my kind of man. This person must have good morals and be God fearing. He should also be somebody I can look up to. He should be a teacher so to say.

What were you into before joining the make believe industry?
I was in school.

You once said you could dump acting if your spouse wants you to, what do you think this connotes?
It only points to the fact that I’m dedicated and committed to my relationship. If he wants me to quit acting, then it’s fine.

How soon should we expect the wedding bells?
I am waiting on God. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed.

What’s your favorite colour?
Blue and green.

What’s new in your plate?
Trying to get a lot done.

Can you take us through these?
No, not yet (smiles).

Why do you think Yoruba films are poorly subtitled?
I think we are improving on that you know. Rome was not built in a day.


Victoria Kimani parties in bra at Club Vapours VIP night

It was wild partying, lavish entertainment and some roof-shaking attiudes at Gidi Groove VIP night at Club Vapours in Victoria Island, Lagos. This premium night life event hosted top raving celebrities like Ice Prince, Falz, Victoria Kimani, Shaydee, BOJ among others penultimate Saturday evening with a full capacity crowd enjoying a lavish evening with some of the best music in town.
KimaniSurely, it was a night of stars with no star looking the way of any other star but Kenyan-born music star Victoria Kimani stole a few stares, if we are allowed to be modest with words. Remember, she told us in a recent interview that she sometimes wears the Moslem veil (Hijab) to cover her curves. But what Victoria did at the club was a complete opposite of what she told us. She was in bra at the club, sipping on what looks like Hennessy. Yeah, the girl knows how to rock. But she needs to watch her weight because the mannequin-like Kimani was looking a bit likeMiss Piggy.
Also rocking the night were socialites and entertainment personalities like Sam Onyemelukwe,   Ngozi  Omambala and many others
To kick off the new month and upcoming  Christmas  celebrations, the Gidi Groove VIP Night will be hosting a  Christmas Start Up edition on Saturday. Ensure you make it a date for one of Lagos’ hottest parties.


Glo Dance with Peter: Kelvin, Miracle, 3 others on probation

The battle for survival in the Glo-sponsored Dance with Peter reality T.V show grew even more intense on Saturday night as housemates challenged one another in a face-to-face, win-or-go-home contest on Saturday. Nollywood star and Glo ambassador, Funke Akindele, was guest judge. danceThe edition of the reality show focused on ‘Battle Face-off’ in which the remaining 10 housemates challenged themselves one-on-one, to avoid eviction. A contestant who lost to the other was put-up for eviction. Dance Director, Wale Rubber, said the idea of the challenge was to prepare the dancers for the challenges ahead of them as professional dancers. As a curtain-raiser, dance choreographer and one of the judges, Don Flexx, gave a star performance to lighten up the show. He did WizKid’s Juru.
Kelvin from Team Flexx, who was clad in boxing gloves and hooded top, challenged top-rated C-Fly of Team Peter in a fierce contest which left the judges comprising dance choreographer, Don Flexx, dance queen, Kaffy and Peter Okoye of P-Square in a tight situation on which dancer to vote for. The dancers performed T-Pain and Chris Brown’s Freeze.
Don Flexx, when asked to comment and make his choice said “I’ll stick with Kelvin because he is innovative and versatile”. Kaffy could not make decision as both dancers impressed her beyond imagination. “Both dancers are great and engaging. I can’t choose anyone because you are both awesome and it will be a great injustice for me to send anyone of you home”, she said.
Glo ambassador, Funke Akindele, the guest judge on the show, who had earlier said she wanted to see creativity and strength from the dancers voted C-Fly for what she called a “zestful and energetic performance”. Peter Okoye described C-Fly’s performance as breath-taking and gave him a nod. With a vote of 3-1, Kelvin was consequently put on probation.
Other housemates in the contest were G-Xtreme from Team Flexx who faced Teejay of Team Peter. This was an intense battle with Amazing Amy winning the head to head after the only tie of the day of 2-2 from the judges. Amy however won convincingly after another round of dancing   to get the vote of all the judges.
Other battles were between Miracle from Team Peter who faced Mali HotBoy of Team Kaffy; Amazing Amy of Team Kaffy who challenged T- Rubber of Team Flexx and Julius Faktah of Team Kaffy who went against Da Octopus of Team Peter.
The contest ended with Kelvin, Teejay, Julius Faktah, T-Rubber and Miracle who all lost to their opponents put on probation for eviction.


Why Buhari’s Public Support Is Fading

Corruption cannot be uprooted in six months but why are its many bold signposts still untouched?   Nigerians know that Rome was not built in a day but they also know that the builders of Rome didn’t use baskets to fetch water. When the new government came hope, enthusiasm and optimism swelled. Some took to the roads on feet chaffed by poverty to trek hundreds of kilometers, convinced that misery and hopelessness had been served a quit notice.   Six months after, euphoria has subsided, enthusiasm has waned,   the bounce hasn’t become bust,   but even Buhari’s many supporters have moved from muffled     ‘hmmmmm’   to   audible gasps –  ‘ah ah’.

President Muhammadu Buhari
President Muhammadu Buhari
We know the ills of the country cannot be sorted in one day but this government must understand that Nigerians have invested huge emotions in it.   And if this inertia isn’t transient and therefore benign, if it becomes sustained indolence,     ordinary Nigerians may   force the change they seek and it won’t be easy going.
Many still have faith in Buhari but   when APC governorship candidates are announced these days a sinking feeling of hopelessness sits in. Because you get the feeling that even after having won the national elections Buhari has not managed to stamp his authority on the party and affect the way things are done and who represents the party.
While his party may not be in immediate jeopardy because the rival PDP is in shambles, the nation cannot survive the current   lack of a clear economic direction. Local and international confidence in the economy has dipped. No one knows where it is headed.   In an import dependent economy, companies cannot obtain foreign exchange for their letters of credit?   The unemployment crisis is being compounded by layoffs.   It is true Buhari inherited a mess, he needs to show he has a rescue plan.
Many of his supporters know he is decisive and can make tough decisions but not a few have begun to wonder whether he has the men to drive the expected change. Nearly every where you turn to there is a manifest absence of the Buhari effect, the Buhari of 1984.
Petroleum subsidy and fuel queues
Many Nigerians prior to the elections   were convinced Buhari was the man to take the bull by the horns and scrap fuel subsidy . Strangely the   government has retained the fuel subsidy.   What is their argument?   They want to help the poor. That defies reason. The nation is broke, our economy teeters on the brink of a major depression. Civil servants work but now depend on soothsayers to predict when their salaries will come.   If governors now sometimes brag about being able to pay routine salaries, how then do we sustain the luxury of     financing   the enrichment of middlemen in the name of fuel subsidy? Some governors had the impudence to suggest the slashing of minimum wage.
The federal government cannot ensure steady supply of petrol because the sheer heft of the sums involved is now frightening, national incomes have dwindled. So the government will dilly and dally about paying subsidy claims until the marketers stanch   supplies and twist the arms of government with petrol queues.   A needless scarcity intrudes into the lives of Nigerians, keeps them idling and withering away at fuel stations where meters dispense 8 litres as 10 litres   and then step aside for calculators because fuel prices now change so quickly that meters can’t cope.
In many parts of Nigeria petrol sells for as much as N200 per litre. So much for helping the poor.The government that claims it has no tolerance for wastages will yet pay marketers billions in subsidy? Many international oil traders wonder how the subsidy figures are even arrived at because international prices for refined products are at an all time low. The argument that the removal of subsidy will leave the very poor prostrate   even when the subsidy is largely milked by politicians and middlemen is lame. And it leads   you to wonder how the government thinks through its policies.
This government that ran on zero tolerance for corruption has awarded fuel import allocations to marketers who had forged papers and defrauded the nation of billions of naira in previous fraudulent   subsidy claims.   How can this government ignore the report of the presidential committee on subsidy that indicted these marketers? The EFCC engaged in reprehensible selective prosecution of indicted marketers despite an avalanche of hard evidence.   How can people who contemplated life in exile because of the skeletons sticking out of their cup boards and pockets be allowed to heave sighs of relief and continue from where they stopped , plundering the economy? Little wonder that the kerosene subsidy fraudulent practices patented by the Jonathan regime have continued like that government still runs the oil industry.
PPMC has remained PPMC. The president’s reputation is being mangled by unscrupulous officials. The NNPC imports all the kerosene sold in the country. It then sells the kerosene at about half its cost to marketers at   N40.50k per litre. The marketers are obligated to sell the kerosene to the public at N50 per litre. But because the NNPC and DPR are derelict of their duties and because the subsidy regime in being unenforceable fattens a select few the poor buy kerosene at an average price of 80 naira per litre.   So the government naively feeds PPMC officials   and marketers and claims its subsidizing kerosene for the poor.
PPMC officials are aware the system is being shortchanged so everybody fends for himself. Any patriotic   technocrat   conversant with the oil sector, committed to change, would make the removal of   fuel subsidy a precondition for accepting to head the NNPC or the petroleum ministry. But technocrats in Nigeria aren’t that principled.
The M.T AL-KHAF Scandal – crude oil theft
A case of   suspected crude oil theft   was reported to the Chief of Naval staff   in a written petition about two months ago . Naval officers who are supposed to   be investigating   the matter called the petitioner   and asked thousands of questions . They received all they needed.   And what did they do with them?   Practically nothing.   A navy Captain was dispatched to Cotonou to verify that the vessel involved which was offshore Cotonou was laden with crude oil stolen from Nigeria and effect an arrest of the vessel . Surprisingly he came back without even as much as getting Cotonou officials to inspect the vessel whose location they were all conversant with.
He said Cotonou authorities denied him co operation.   Nothing was heard from the Navy again. You wonder why   a vessel reported to be carrying crude oil stolen from Nigeria   cannot not be properly   investigated?   The criminal syndicate involved had bragged that they had everyone on their payroll. When the Navy failed, another petition was sent   this time to the president and that   petition was delivered to the National Security Adviser who ordered an investigation. The foreign affairs ministry   got Nigerian embassy in Cotonou involved.
Everybody appeared frantic and they   asked a multitude of questions. Some of the questions asked and the manner   they were asked did not inspire any confidence.   They were literary asking to be told what they should do.   Every single detail of the parties involved was provided to the Nigerian embassy in Cotonou and they promised swift action. After a couple of days everything cooled down, then like with the Navy, died down. They were either lost or the files were lost.
The criminal syndicate was prompted   as the information delivered to the authorities   were regularly leaked to them. And they began very frantic efforts to sell the crude oil. The officials involved in the investigations were notified but they curiously failed to appreciate the need for urgency. Why should petitions written to both the president and the chief of naval staff, all duly acknowledged, all supposedly still being worked upon, not attract a decent attention, not trigger a diligent investigation?
Why would those investigating these crimes act in manner   that leaves everyone to suspect they are not interested in bringing the   criminal syndicate to book? Up till the time of writing this report no proper investigation has commenced and the suspects have sold most of the cargoes. Nigeria deserves pity. Where on earth is the much talked about change?
And everyday you hear government officials relentlessly urging the public for information to stem crime and economic sabotage.   When information is given people who occupy high positions treat them with the sort of levity that emboldens criminals and puts the informant in great jeopardy. It would appear that many people in this government aren’t on the same wavelength with the president and are perhaps committed to proving that ‘change’ is mere rhetoric.
CBN and foreign exchange
The exchange rate of the naira is about 199 to a dollar. The government is resolutely frittering away scarce foreign exchange   resources propping that   fictitious exchange rate because the BDCs to whom the dollars are sold resell them at over N240 a dollar. Ordinary Nigerians do not get dollars at 199, so why prop the naira?   To check racketeering, the CBN wants the banks and BDCs to submit names of customers to whom foreign exchange was availed and their BVNs.
So what do the BDCs do?   They approach some unscrupulous bank officials who compile names of bank customers and BVNs from their data bases and sell to the BDCs at N3000 per name. You wont believe it, names of unsuspecting and innocent people are sent to the CBN daily as having purchased foreign exchange, submitted to CBN as documentary evidence of disbursement of foreign exchange.   CBN will feign and claim ignorance.   The nation is being bled from all ends. Why is it difficult for the government to comb the streets and gather intelligence?
The CBN is aware that its measures to stymie burgeoning demand for foreign exchange have failed and   it has chosen to maintain an exchange rate with significant disparity with the black market.   Currency dealers who have the right connections have become millionaires overnight at the expense of our foreign exchange reserves.   And because foreign cash transfers are now largely prohibited, traders move foreign currency in cash     out of Nigeria. It is no secret that they now patronize Aminu Kano international airport for currency trafficking where restrictions and checks   that exist in Lagos are non existent.
Recently a traveller was arrested at an airport with more than 100 ATM cards. He is not alone. Nigerians now give out their ATM cards at a fee to currency dealers who use those cards abroad to buy items which they resell and bring back dollars into the country to sell at black market rate.   Like things in Nigeria everybody has become a foreign exchange speculator. President Buhari please, this is an easy call.
And the government must hear this. Some members of a particular security agency have been arresting traders travelling with large quantities of foreign currency. That’s no news. The news is that these officials seize the monies, threaten them with prosecution but let them off if they surrender the monies to them. For these officials CBNs faulty policy has become a windfall.
The Customs
The Customs service has a former military man as its new head. And you would think that such a transgression against service culture will be mollified by immediate tangible positive changes. Lets leave the allegations of ethnic cleansing aside but they are weighty. Why has the customs service continued with old customs? Import papers are still routinely   ‘machined’ (clearing agents don’t say ‘forged’), processes are still prohibitively circuitous.   Clearing agents still ‘fly’ containers   (clear containers with false documents without inspection!).   Goods that attract heavy import duties are still being cleared as those with low import duties.
A container of Hennessy Brandy which should attract 200% import duty will be cleared as ‘supermarket goods ’ and the duty will be negotiated with the Customs.   The new customs boss has integrity but the system is riddled with corruption.  Little has changed. The bill of laden comes with a false declaration, the container is routed to a private bonded terminal where a customs officer who understands the plot is in control, and just about anything can be cleared as stainless steel which attracts no duty.   And this not only drains national revenues but also distorts competition, makes the playing field uneven for traders.
Traders who do not have the reach to play the game at the ports in Nigeria have continued to clear their goods through Cotonou where goods come into the country without   paying proper duties .   Cotonou is considered favourable because importers pay very little to Beninoise officials at Cotonou port   and when they get to the border post at Seme the goods are repacked.   A consignment of 5 containers can be   packed into one specially built truck and cleared as two containers.   Do you still wonder why customs officers consider posting to the border as lucrative?
The coming of Buhari has sadly not changed anything. But the traders in Lagos would even complain that Katsina and other borders in far north have been seeing heavy volumes of goods trucked from Lome and Cotonou and that duties are rarely   paid at those border posts where no real assessment happens.
Lagos,traffic snarls and robbers
Where really is the change?The rains have ended and power generation has perhaps gotten tired of body language? In our everyday lives, we feel no change. Not even symbolic change.   At Ilasa on Oshodi-Apapa expressway container-carrying trucks fall regularly because that portion of the road has potholes that     can swallow cars. Fashola is at the helm of works ministry, Ambode is governor of Lagos   and between them someone must take responsibility for the many lives   crushed   at that spot by falling trucks and their crashing containers.
If Lagos suffered from just potholes and loss of some lives daily to such accidents then the anxiety that has gripped millions may be better imagined. The Economist wrote about the impossibility of Lagos traffic and the state government threw tantrums. But daily commuters wear their lives away in senseless traffic   snarls where they sit to be dispossessed and maimed by robbers who have acquired an ubiquity that has made being on the road in Lagos a particularly risky endevour.
That Ambode has been to Apapa many times to tackle the traffic mess without engineering anything more than a fleeting reprieve leaves one with the impression that the government is tragically helpless.   Ambode fortunately listens to criticisms and responds to issues but Lagos wants   immediate practical results. It is hoped that as he has brought in helicopters and gun boats to fight crime   that something out of the box will be designed to curb the menace of   “traffic jam robbers”
Boko Haram, Kidnapping and General policing
The new government has reclaimed most of   our national territories controlled by   the insurgents.   Officers and men of the military confirm that morale is now high and the military is better equipped and motivated. The insurgency sadly is far from over. Boko haram may be in disarray but the incidence of suicide bombing and number of lives lost worries all Nigerians.   The support of the Nigerian public for the military is at an all time high.   While boko haram may take longer than expected to be routed the persistence of commercial kidnapping   and violent crimes beg for better policing.
Many live in perpetual fear of kidnappers who have always managed to collect their ransoms. A special police squad should be trained and equipped to tackle efficiently the scourge of kidnapping.   That will be some change.   The regular police cannot handle kidnapping and the DSS appears to get involved   in only high profile cases. The government must make the people feel change.
If some of the supporters of the president feel betrayed it is because policemen still shamelessly take bribes in daylight on the street. They expected a change from day one.   It is difficult to believe that this government with all the promise can allow itself get used to so much routine corruption, so much ineptitude. “ If Buhari cannot tackle the economy, why can’t Buhari make a statement on police , customs and   bribes” a student of Lagos state university asked in bemusement
The need for high profile  sting operations
Buhari has been on the saddle for six months and not a single publicized high profile police sting operation has been conducted.  So why wont lecturers continue selling handouts and selling marks. And why wont a judiciary ravaged by corruption not have judges who are still selling judgments.   Even some election tribunals have been sullied by stories of graft.   It’s easy to conduct sting operations on judges and lecturers. Courts and universities must represent the moral fountains of the society. Nothing has changed.
Nothing can change if the government feels it doesn’t have to earn righteousness. But no reputation can be sustained by wishfulness alone. Buhari’s favourable ratings will disappear if his government is perceived as condoning of   incompetence and indolence. The war against corruption must start from within the police, the customs and the judiciary. Nothing has happened, it is good to arrest and prosecute thieving politicians, but much more needs to start happening
Those who supported   change in government because Jonathan performed woefully   can barely stand the   bold shamelessness with which the fight against corruption has become a one sided affair . Soon every body will become a member of the APC and the multiparty environment we craved for   will disappear.   Sometimes you cant but   cringe at the   clumsiness and tardiness of anti corruption agencies and their penchant for   attention seeking   gimmickry in the name of war against corruption. The culture of poor , wayward,   prosecution prevalent in these agencies will not help the president.
Its six months and besides one or two cases that haven’t managed to get off the tracks the much trumpeted ‘catching of goats that ate our yams’   has remained largely a   propaganda. Why does the government put the cart before the horse. Revelations of   wide scale embezzlement of government funds   were gleefully announced by government officials over three months ago. Besides the arrest of Dasuki and his aides not so much has happened. The public knows that well advertised arrests mean nothing, only convictions count.
The government was expected to merge the EFCC and the ICPC to enhance   capacity and effectiveness . But as with many other things , the government appears not to have had a plan before coming into office.   The government had war against corruption as a priority   and left many shocked when it left Lamorde in office for so long. The EFCC is overwhelmed while the ICPC which has better facilities is rarely heard.
The CCB should as a matter of urgency dig deep and find supporters of the new government who have falsely declared assets in the past and prosecute them.. The perception that they are engaging in political witch -hunt must be laid to rest
Public support is fading
If the government thinks it is entitled to public support then it must think again. The public is getting tired of this culture of talking too much and doing   too little. Some stopped fasting and said that their prayers have been answered. Mockers and jesters and ‘wailers’ have now taken center stage singing     “ we told you so”. The government must wake up. There is a unique opportunity to change the way things are done here because the majority shed apathy and embraced hope
If the public loses confidence in this government, Nigeria will suffer.   But six months after, where is the change?   Buhari is still spare, austere and considered incorruptible but government bureaucracy has remained very rickety, almost moribund. There is too much noise. Many Nigerians think noise making is perhaps worse than mere ‘cluelessness’       because the former has added pretentiousness. Many want the president to engage the public directly and regularly and not from foreign lands.  Nigerians seek regular domestic presidential media briefings   that deals forthrightly with their worries. And they want to feel the government. That is not happening.
Going forward
Buhari must not go the way of Jonathan. He must rise up to the challenge. He must listen to criticisms, he must be responsive. Change is the agenda of Nigerian youths. It will pay the political class if Buhari succeeds, brings change.   Nigerians are fired up and cannot be let down.   Their appetite for change has been thoroughly whetted and they cant be let down now. The hunger of the youths must not change to anger. No one expected a messiah,   but many expected a   determined effort to instill rectitude.   Those who supported Buhari and other well meaning people must rise   and make insistent demands on this government   and its agents and help Buhari bring about change .



Beware of the black widow

The word widow often wrought in us a feeling of pity. It paints a picture of a once happy woman, along with her children, who was much loved; cared and provided for, no matter how little, but who had now lost everything. The word widow conjures a vision of someone in need of help to find a balance and sustenance for herself and her children.

The Biblical story of the widow often jumps to our consciousness and we are moved to lend a helping hand, at least to help ease their pain and burden. But don’t be deceived, not all widows are in search of our pity, paltry stipends and breadcrumbs from the master’s tables. Some of them are black widows, in search of safe havens and conducive environments to spin their next webs. If you don’t have enough on your plate as a man, you might just be the next target. Or is it victim? For, I really can’t comprehend how these things happen.
The first incident happened about 12 years ago. I did not initially believe the story when it first started making the round. This was because Dr. and Mrs Hassan had always seemed to me like a perfect couple, if there was one. Mr. Hassan, a medical doctor had recently started his own little clinic shortly before we met them. Mrs. Hassan, is a teacher and devoted mother of two, a boy and a girl who were doing beautifully well also at the time.
I remember that the girl even came tops in one of the national competitions sponsored by a multi-national company. They were kids any parent would be proud to have. We belonged to the same religious group and met for worship almost every Sunday. Like me, Mrs. Hassan had crossed over to Islam after marriage and had become very devoted. So, I was surprised when she started missing worships and eventually stopped completely.
Same for her husband. On enquiry, I was initially informed that she was seriously ill but a mutual friend eventually let me into the story. Dr. Hassan had deserted his family! How is that possible, I asked? She explained that Dr Hassan suddenly began sleeping out unnecessarily under the pretense of working late at the clinic and such other excuses used by medical practitioners. Eventually, they discovered that he was dating a female Nurse, his employee at the clinic.
To make matters worse, the woman is a Christian, contrary to all the things Hassan loved to profess. On confrontation, his explanation was that the lady is a widow with five children to care for and he felt sorry for her and wished to help her. Well, there is no problem with helping a widow but must one have a sexual relationship with her before one can render assistance? When his wife’s questions and attitude became too challenging, Dr. Hassan stood up to her tantrums by reminding her that he is an African man and more importantly, a Muslim.
He therefore has the permission of man and God to frolic with as many women as he desires. Poor Mrs. Hassan was backed to the wall when she discovered that many members of the family seemed to share similar views, a Muslim is entitled to four wives if he so desires. She has a good job and can take care of herself and two children, so, she should stop whining over such a little thing.
However, it turned out to be a big deal as Dr. Hassan soon stopped coming home, abandoning his wife and two children for a widow with five children. Dr. Hassan reportedly told who bothered to ask, that the widow and her five children needed him more than his wife and two children as his wife was more than capable of taking care of their children. I ran into Mrs. Hassan about three years after the whole drama went public and did she have a story to tell?
She was convinced that her husband had fallen under a spell cast by the woman! Or why would he abandon his family to shack up with another man’s family? She said she’d been informed that the woman is a sucker who dries up men then spits them out. She feared that the woman will kill her husband too as she killed her first husband and was sure her grand plan is to take over Hassan’s clinic and then kill him. Rather than accept her fate, Mrs.
Hassan has been expending time, energy, money and probably some other resources on looking for solution to her supposed problems. “Operation Save Her Husband From The Black Widow”. The woman I saw had become a shadow of the one I once knew. A tall, lanky, fair complexioned and very full of life and laughter. The black widow had not only taken an unsuspecting husband and father into custody, gradually milking him, she had also sucked out life from everything that surrounded him, his wife, children and the clinic which Hassan now runs with her as a family business.
Much as I do not want to bother myself too much over the remote controversies, one recurring question I have not been able to find answers for is why a man would leave his own two biological children and a faithful, devoted and submissive wife, to take up responsibility over another man’s “left over” and children in the name of caring for the needy? What exactly is this need that is more important than that of his own God given family? Perhaps there is more to Dr. Hassan than we are aware of. Who can tell? I have not seen them in several years now.
I first read news about the second story in a soft sell magazine about three years ago. I’d known the couple for several years and the wife and I had also been members of some religious groups, when I was still interested in religion. My focus has since changed to God and not religion. Though the man had never been one to pretend that he is faithful to his marital vows, I had always believed that the bonds between his family and his wife’s were very strong and he will be wary to jeopardise it by throwing caution to the wind.
They both come from affluent families and we’re also quite comfortable and successful in their individual businesses. Their union is blessed with two children, both boys were already undergraduates, schooling in England when their father decided to take another wife to everyone’s surprise. The lady turned out to be a widow with four children from two fathers.
The first child was born out of wedlock. Well over 50, and having stayed out of trouble all these years, I’d assumed he would have been slowing down by now. Why succumb now that his sex life span was most likely drawing to an end? I could not resist the temptation to hear the dirty details, so I picked the phone to confirm from my friend if all I’d read was true.
Yes, everything was true, she said, except for the part that said that the boys were in support of their father’s actions and that the woman’s children had become close pals with them. The truth was that the boys had vehemently condemned their father and stood up for and with their mother. Their father had practically moved out of the family house in GRA and was shacking up with the widow in a house he’d bought for her in one of the corporate estates along Lekki-Epe Express Road. Still, I fail to understand the reasoning behind such a decision.
Can you replace the love, respect, admiration, support and happiness of your biological children with those of another man’s children? If he wanted female children, surely, that is not the only way to go about getting one, is it? No matter what might have gone down between a man and his wife, does it have to include the happiness and welfare of the children? But, again, perhaps there is truth in the Yoruba saying that a man pays better attention to the children of a woman he loves.
But thank God it is not all the time that the black widow strikes that she gets to kill. If you are lucky like my friend Hunsun, then you can escape her killer sucking powers with some pints of blood still left in you. Hunsun and I have been friends for over 30 years and though we hardly ever get to see each other, when we do, we often play catch up on almost everything under the sun. He is a jolly good fellow and this often gets him into trouble with women.
And so he got entangled with a female co-worker, his junior, who recently lost her husband. He said he felt drawn to her because he was aware of the enormous burden and struggle that her life might become with the loss of her husband. The lady has seven children! In fact, he had always come to her rescue in the past, even while her husband was alive. He said she practically threw herself at him, instead of the other way around, and he felt compelled to assist her.
So, he helped her completed a housing project she had abandoned for several years and she moved in. No sooner than that, he noticed that he would stay over at her house for several days abandoning his own family. Hunsun has three children but his first is long graduated and married. The children had started calling him daddy and she too was also carrying on like a wife in the office. “Yetunde, I may be everything, but an irresponsible father. God has not given me any problems, why should I walk into one with my eyes open”, he declared. My dear friend was quick and lucky to retrace his steps.
I will really appreciate it, if we can discuss this issue together. Kindly drop your comments/views/ or related experience via SMS or e-mail. God bless you as you respond. Do have a wonderful weekend!



War of the judges as Dance With Peter gives contestants free hand

Housemates in the ongoing Dance with Peter T.V reality show sponsored by Globacom will be at liberty to bring their own dance style this evening or risk being evicted from the academy.

Amazing Amy performing
Amazing Amy performing
With the theme “Bring your own thing or Go Home”, the housemates will battle to retain a slot in the academy.
Of the 12 remaining housemates, Marion X, Nekky, Messiah, Teejay and Miracle were put up for eviction last week after the week’s performance which was based on Africa dance steps including skelewu, galala, alanta and azonto. Viewers will find out on the broadcast of the show at 7 p.m. tonight on Africa Magic Urban (Channel 153)  which of them will leave the show.
The housemates are being mentored by the judges comprising Peter Okoye of PSquare, dance choreographer, Don Flexx and dance queen, Kaffy. Team Peter has C-Fly, Da Octopus, Miracle and Teejay; Team Flexx comprises Marion X, Nekky, G-Extreme, Kelvin, T-Rubber while Team Kaffy has Messiah, Amazing Amy and Julius Faktah.
Glo ambassador and Marvin Records protégé, Korede Bello,   will feature as guest judge on the show. He says he simply wants to be entertained by the dancers. “ I just want to see a great show and be entertained” he declared.
Ahead of the show, Don Flexx is boasting of his team’s ability to clinch the coveted prize.
“I feel my team members are the strongest in the show. I’ve watched them grow in this show and they deserve to be in the finals” he enthused. Wale Rubber, dance director, opines that “Team Kaffy have the desire to succeed and win and they indeed have what it takes to win the competition. Peter Okoye however insists that his team members are exceptional. “The audience can attest to the fact that my team members are exceptional. All I have to say to them is get out there and make it work.”


Kiss I gave Burna Boy was real – Cynthia Morgan

The Nigerian social media space was agog some weeks back when Cynthia Morgan shared pictures of her kissing Burna Boy.
Though Cynthia Morgan has deleted the images from her Instagram account, many are still wondering why the pictures were taken in the first place and why it was taken off so suddenly if there isn’t something fishy about it.
But in a recent interview, the German juice crooner explains the reason behind the controversial picture she posted, saying she shares a wonderful relations with the artiste but quick to add there’s nothing unusual.
“I and Burna are actually very good friends, basically we are actually very excited about the project we are working on together and that’s all I can say. It was real. A kiss is supposed to be real right? That’s all I can say. We are going to be working on collaborations together. I don’t know I can’t say a whole lot.
I see something working out for both of us, I mean musically. I am not dating anybody in the industry right now but anything can happen; basically it’s all about me being happy.”


I didn’t expect Ojuelegba to be a hit song — Wizkid

Afropop star, Wizkid is one youngster whose swift rise to the top wows everyone. The Ojuelegba sensation is undoubtedly one of the most sought after African pop stars of his generation.

On the flipside, the star boy, as he loves to be called hasn’t been quite fortunate when it comes to winning awards. In a recent interview, the outspoken entertainer says that winning awards isn’t his reason for doing music.
His Afrobeat song, Ojuelegba has enjoyed countless airplays and has further added to his star power. He reveals in a recent interview with Fader magazine that he didn’t expect it to be a hit song: I knew ‘Ojuelegba’ was a good song, but I didn’t expect it to blow up the way that it did. My parents still live there. We have a house there.”


Why I performed in Uganda while pregnant —Tiwa Savage

For those who have been wondering why Tiwa Savage performed on stage despite being pregnant, the sexy mother of one reveals this in a recent interview with Genevieve Magazine. During her pregnancy, she was in Uganda for some days and performed at their Women’s Day celebration and Social media awards.
The Mavin records first lady gave it her best shot, twerking and entertaining her fans.
*Tiwa Savage
*Tiwa Savage
“I went ahead with that performance because my doctor had given me the go ahead. And I had also contacted a local doctor out there.
However, even though I did do a few other performances like that; I wasn’t planning to be that energetic at that event. But I got so much love from the crowd in Uganda and it was very emotional for me, considering the stage of the pregnancy at the time. Before, I got there; I had doubts about how I would be received and if
I was going to be made to sit on a stool during the performance. But when I got there, everyone was warm, loving and understanding of my situation.
In all, that performance was unexpected. I got that energy from somewhere, but trust me, the next day I was in bed all day.”


Ini Edo’s battle with extra weight celebrated


Akwa Ibom State-born Nollywood top actress has her seat in the front row of her career. So much so, fame and fortune are never too far cuddling her and giving her a blissful view of a world laced in oysters. Then the Nollywood damsel and Vanguard’s one-time first runner-up of Sexiest Woman in Nollywood contest, suddenly seemed to have lost grips on a lot of things. First was her marriage that came tumbling down, then her celebrated bakery and her losing battle of keeping those extra pounds in check. For an actress, that’s like a dog without a sense of smell anymore.
Not many people really noticed the bulge in and around Ini’s waist because she was still beautiful if the puffy cheeks weren’t in the way for you. But the first-class actress knew she had a battle to fight, she fought it secretly, daily, religiously and hey, the extra pounds began to act her way, behaving themselves.
And when the battle seems to have been won the smashing ebony beauty made sure we all hear about it as she flaunted her new look in a new photo shoot on her Instagram page.
“Still, more amazing gifts in store for us. Don’t give up, keep pressing forward, greatness is here” she glibly captions the photo, obviously telling us, achieving her new figure took some fighting.
“So impressed at @iniedo‘s transformation. Good job” mooted one of her fans.
“Wonder who said you were more gorgeous before you shed some pounds, then they don’t know what super gorgeous is, you are looking great & super gorgeous now, I love the new look more than before”another fan told her.


My boyfriend walked away when I started acting – Funmi Awelewa


Up and rising Yoruba actress, Funmi Awelewa is so beautiful that it is almost impossible to think a man in his right senses would walk away from her – for any reason. But the Ibadan-based producer of Ife O Dogba and Aromimawe will tell you this is something that nearly tore her apart when she was starting out on her acting path. “Yes, I have been heartbroken before” she told Potpourri when asked if her heart has ever been broken.
“My ex boyfriend broke up with me because of my profession – acting. I don’t know what really happened, he just walked away, probably intimidated by the profession”
“In life, we encounter the good and the bad side of love. All I know is that I am grateful that I am still capable of love” she said, but added that not every man gets intimidated by an actress.
Funmi’s beauty is not the type that sends electric wave at you at first instance, it is the type that envelopes you in its embrace and cuddle you to sleep,without you even having any knowledge of it. She could very well be the most gorgeous Yoruba actress around but Funmi wouldn’t take that.
“Why would I say I am the most beautiful actress in the Yoruba sector when the beautiful ones are not yet born. I am not the most beautiful but one of the most beautiful actresses. We have got many beautiful actresses in the Yoruba sector.” she retorted
When asked to name at least five Yoruba actresses she thinks are more beautiful than her, she named ‘Mercy Aigbe, Bidemi Kosoko, Liz Da’silva, Olaitan Ogungbile, Joke Jikan and many more’.


Police unveils Korede Bello as Youth Ambassador

Abuja – The Nigeria Police on Wednesday unveiled a Nigerian musician, Korede Bello as the Police Youth Ambassador.
Unveiling the youth ambassador and anti-crime jingles, the Inspector-General of Police, Mr Solomon Arase said that youths were critical to the fight against crime in the country.
Represented by Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Danazumi Doma, Director, Finance and Administration, Arase said:
Korede Bello
Korede Bello
“Korede Bello, you are the positive representation of Nigerian youths and on this occasion, the Nigeria Police celebrates you.
“We believe Korede Bello’s exemplary behaviour and tenacity of purpose, like that of the Nigeria Police, will be the needed influence to change the wrong or misconceived habits of some of our youths.
“It is, therefore, my firm conviction that in fighting crimes in our system, the youths are critical elements that must be incorporated.
“The process of bringing the youths into our fold as crime-fighting channels is very critical to the policing of this country.’’
He said Nigerian youths deserved to play a more important and significant role in improving the country’s security framework.
Arase said the idea was aimed at spreading security awareness and sensitisation to schools and universities in crime prevention.
Police spokesperson, ACP Olabsisi Kolawole said the opportunity would build awareness and foster development of the youths.
“ I do hope that this new opportunity given the Nigerian youths will be judiciously utilised by preaching positive changes to their peers all over the country’’, he said.
In his acceptance speech, Bello promised to work with the police to ensure that youths do not engage in crimes.
“I promise to do my best, we the youths of this country will not disappoint you’’, he said.
He said that before now, there had not been any relationship between the police and the entertainment industry.


19-yr-old rapes chicken to death in Ondo

AKURE— A-19-year-old apprentice welder (names withheld) was caught today making love to a hen. The fowl reportedly died during the act.
hen-sexThe taboo was said to have been committed by the apprentice at about 11.20 p.m. at Continental area of Akure metropolis.
The suspect, Vanguard learnt, had committed same taboo with a goat in his home town, Afo in Ose council area of the state.
He was said to have been ex-communicated from his home town because of the offence which made him to move in with his brother in Akure.
Speaking with newsmen, the owner of fowl, Mrs Stella Akintola, who resides in the same building confirmed that the man actually made love to her chicken.
According to her, she went to bed early but was woken up by the noise coming from the chickens at the back of her room, an indication that someone was disturbing their peace.
The discovery
Akintola said she went outside only to find that the back door was still opened. According to her, she became curious and “I shouted to know who was still at the backyard only for him to appear from the corner of the house, saying he went to the toilet because he had a running stomach.”
Akintola said she was not convinced especially as she noticed that the noise from the chickens’ pen stopped abruptly.
She said she went to where the chickens were but nothing was found. “It was when I visited the toilet that I found one of the them stone dead with its feathers littering the floor,” she said.
Still unaware that the suspect was the cause of the death of the bird, Akintola said she raised an alarm only for him to confess that he was responsible for the death of the fowl.
Akintola said the suspect confessed and begged her for forgiveness, saying he would pay any amount for the dead fowl.
She said she decided not to report the matter to the police because she could not stand the rigour she would be subjected to by the police over a “minor offence.”
Report had it that there were evidence that the man actually had sex with the hen when it was examined by the owner and others living in the building.
A spirit directed me to do it —Suspect
In an interview with newsmen, the suspect, who declined to speak initially, however, said a spirit directed him to do what he did.
He said: “I was already sleeping when a spirit just came upon me and directed me to go to the back of the building. I did not know what I was doing again until when I discovered that I had slept with the hen.”
Contacted, the police image maker, Wole Ogodo, said since the matter was not reported to the police, he could not comment on it.
Ogodo noted that “it is what members of the public bring to our notice that we investigate. This is a strange occurrence if what you are telling me is the truth.”



Why I slept with my 11-year-old daughter — Confession of a father

How will you feel as a mother if your husband  sexually abuses your innocent daughter? This is the question a woman in Bauchi State is trying to come to terms with, as her husband, Abubakar Magaji, a resident of Liman Kagum in Bauchi local government, did the abominable act of having carnal knowledge of their 11-year-old daughter.
father rape
Abubakar Magaji
More shocking is the fact that it was not a one-act misadventure but a repeated one. But like a popular saying has it: Many days for a thief and one day for the owner, nemesis eventually caught up with the 45-year-old father when he was arrested and  paraded along with others at the Bauchi State command for rape.
When VM sought to know why Abubakar will abuse his own child  sexually, he confessed he was tempted by the devil. He added that he could not resist defiling his daughter when his wife left him because of a misunderstanding between them.
Questions from journalists
The father of four who was ashamed to lift his head while answering questions from journalists said: “I engaged in the ugly act because I had a misunderstanding with my wife and she left me. I am ashamed  of my self because it was temptation that led me to do it.
“I divorced her mother and married another wife but unfortunately  my wife also left me a month ago  so I needed a woman to be with; so that was why I did it. I also have a problem with my sexual libido. It is so terrible that I desire any woman I see, but what stops me from approaching them is that people respect me as a married man. So I felt the only way I could relieve my sexual tension was to sleep with my daughter, since she is so young and had no knowledge about sex.
“It was after I defiled her and I was arrested by the police that I understood the gravity of my offence. I can’t imagine that I did this to my own daughter. I regret my actions and I pray that God will forgive me”.
When VM visited the residence of the suspect at Liman Katagum, a suburb of Bauchi metropolis,  a neighbour to Abubakar who did not disclose his name, said that he was shocked to hear that Abubakar was arrested by  the police because he defiled his daughter. According to him: “ I was shocked when I discovered that Mallam Abubakar who I had a lot of respect for will stoop that low and sleep with an 11-year-old child that happens to be his daughter.
“This is the highest level of abomination and Islam is against such an act. No matter the excuse, a man does not have the right to defile a girl outside the confines of marriage. This is unacceptable and he deserves to be punished by the law”.
He called for severe punitive measures to be carried on rapists in the country, saying that will serve as a deterrent to those contemplating on engaging in such an act.
Reacting to the development, the state Commissioner of Police, Lawal,  Shehu  expressed worry over the increasing rate of rape cases in the state and vowed that all rape suspects will be charged to court and prosecuted. He said: “Since January, we have arrested over 10 suspected rapists, only this week we recorded over five cases. It is worrisome that among the suspects arrested is a 45-year-old man who raped his 11-year-old daughter and two aged men who are between 45 to 54 years who raped teenage girls of between two years and four years”.
“This is why I’m sounding a note of caution to parents,especially mothers, to always monitor the movement of their female children. I particularly want to warn mothers to be always on alert because rape is on the increase and teenagers and little children between five and fifteen years are now the victims.
“Any suspect arrested in connection with a rape case will be charged to court and be prosecuted; they should also know that the offence is not bailable. Even when  courts are on strike, the suspects will remain in detention till the strike is called off”.


Daddy touches me, puts his manhood in my mouth, gives me money—7-yr-old girl

A seven-year-old girl (names withheld) has narrated how her father paid her after sexually abusing her at their Ojokoro Housing Estate, Meiran, Ijaiye, Lagos, residence.
Chukwuemeka Odunzie
Chukwuemeka Odunzie
The primary three pupil said: “My daddy usually gives me money after touching my private part or putting his penis in my mouth. He touches my private part when my mother is outside washing clothes or when she is not in the house.”
The victim’s father, identified as Chukwuemeka Odunzie, allegedly started defiling his daughter early last year.
Narrating her ordeal, the victim’s mother, Mrs Odunzie, said: “Last year, my son told me that his younger sister was fond of playing with her private parts. It sounded strange that a seven-year-old child would be doing that.
“I will talk to her, scold her and sometimes beat her. There was a time I told my husband.
“All he said was that if she was acting strangely I should take her to any of these white garment churches. I was alarmed when one day, while we were in the sitting room, she started touching and playing with herself.
She confesses to mother
“Immediately, I called her inside the room and asked her what the problem was. I asked her if anyone was fiddling with her private parts. She said it was her father that always touched her private parts and that after touching her private parts, he would give her money.
“I confronted my husband when he returned from work but he denied vehemently. I reported a case of defilement to Ebenezer Divisional Police and the policemen invited my husband for questioning.
“He was arrested later by the police, who gave me a report to take my daughter to the hospital. The doctor said there had been no penetration, but that there is an opening in her virginal and advised that the victim be tested for infection.

Family pressure
“By the time we came back from the hospital, the IPO said it was a family issue and that we should go home and settle the case.
“Members of his family were shouting, saying that I had no right to report the case to the police, that it was a family issue that should be treated as one. They pressurized me till I withdrew the case, after which he promised not to defile our daughter again.
“After I withdrew the case, my husband began to beat the children at the slightest provocation. And at times, he would beat them for no tangible reason.
“Two weeks ago, it happened again. I asked her what she did for her father that made him give her money without giving her siblings. That was when she said that daddy gave her the money after touching her private part.
“Her siblings said it had been ongoing for a while and that they refused to tell me because the last time they did, their daddy kept beating them.
“He puts it in my mouth”
“Her brother said whenever I was not around, or I was outside washing clothes, daddy would send him and his other siblings inside the bedroom, while he would ask the victim to kneel down in between his legs and bend her head towards his manhood.
“She also confirmed that after touching her, daddy would put his penis in her mouth.
“There was even a time my daughter was caught in the act with a four-year-old boy, who is a neighbour’s child.”
In his defense, the victim’s father, Chukwuemeka Odunzie, admitted that it was only once he abused his daughter and that he was not doing it for occult reasons.
Reacting to the issue, the Co-coordinator, Project Alert, Josephine Effah Chukwuma, said: “Apart from ensuring that the law takes it course, the main task is how to rehabilitate this little girl, whose life has been messed up by her father.
“This is because the abuse was not a one-off thing as the victim had become so accustomed to the act, that when she feels the urge and there is no one to touch her, she touches herself.
“There is need to rehabilitate her and her siblings, who watched.”


How robbers invade Ogun hospital, rape patients, nurses

ABEOKUTA—Ogun State Police Command has arrested suspected armed robbers, who allegedly robbed and raped patients and nurses at a private hospital in Ijebu-Ode.
Police also said the suspects were responsible for the killing of one Alayande Oladipupo after dispossessing him of his belongings in Ijebu-Ode.
Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Muyiwa Adejobi, said in a statement that no fewer than 10 armed robbers had been arrested in Ijebu-Ode for the two incidents.
According to Adejobi, the command made the arrest while acting on a tip-off that the armed men, who had been terrorizing Ijebu-Ode and its environ, were sighted at Molipa-Ikanga area in Ijebu-Ode about 5:30p.m. on Saturday
He said: “The police operatives attached to Igbeba Division of the command swung into action immediately the information got to them and rushed to the said area where the suspected armed robbers opened fire on the police operatives, who responded with heavy fire power before eight of them were arrested.
“These suspects have been identified as the  killers of one Alayande Oladipo, who was shot dead in Ijebu-Ode on August 25 and those responsible for the robbery and rape cases at a hospital in Ijebu-Ode.
“The suspects had robbed patients and staff of the said hospital and raped some of them during their operation at the hospital.”


He prays before raping me – Victim

It was an ordeal that nightmares are made of.  A 20-year-old Yazidi woman, who says she was held as a sex slave by ISIS, told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in an exclusive interview that her captor was a fighter who told her he was from the United States.
The victim, who asked to be called “Bazi” (not her real name) is now in the U.S. to testify to Congress about her allegations against the American – and to push the FBI to press charges against the man she said went by the name of Abu Abdullah Al Amriki (Abu Abdullah the American).
The woman’s story could not be independently verified. The human rights group Hardwired assisted her in going to the U.S.
Her captor “was very white,” Bazi told Amanpour in Washington. “He was a little bit taller than me, with a black beard, black hair. I also saw his own family. He had a wife and two children, a son and a daughter.”
That family, she said, still lived in the United States; he claimed he was able to visit them several times. He claimed he had been a teacher in America, and showed her pictures of his family, she said.
Bazi told Amanpour she was captured by ISIS when the extremist group overran the city of Sinjar in Iraq, in August 2014. She was taken to Raqqa, Syria, which ISIS claims for its capital. There, she was auctioned off as a slave along with 10 other girls.
The American, she said, sold off the nine other girls and kept her for himself.

‘Before raping me, he would pray…’

In the hands of a member of ISIS, the punishment for not being a Muslim was horrible.
“He was talking in a bad way about the church,” Bazi said. “He said, ‘I wasn’t awake in my life … until I was converted to Islam.’ He said this is the right path for me and for everyone to live on this planet, to become Muslim.”
“He was telling us we should go back to the Prophet’s age, where we force everyone to become Muslim. Everybody should be a Muslim – either be a Muslim or die.”
The American, however, seemed content to keep Bazi as a slave for his sexual pleasure – albeit one, as a non-Muslim, that required him to cleanse himself after the act was done.
“Before raping me, he would pray for like fifteen minutes or half an hour. And after that, even if it was 2 a.m., 3 a.m., after raping me, he would go take a shower and pray again.”
After several attempts, escape
Despite the horrors she faced, Bazi said her thoughts were with the other girls.
“The first time he raped me, he tried to rape the other girl who was with me, but I told him since I felt I’m already raped, I don’t want the other one [to be raped]. So I became responsible for the other one.
“I told him, you do this to me, you can have me. Please don’t hurt her and don’t do anything to her.
“I told him to treat her as a servant for him, because he was sheikh, an emir, so he would just have her as a servant.
“So I convinced him the whole time until we were able to escape from his house.”
Her eventual escape came after several failed attempts. She told Amanpour that on her successful attempt, she managed to make it to a nearby shop and call her family.
Her family knew people in ISIS-held territory who worked to get girls out of Syria.
“I was never able to even think about getting out of there, since – although I tried many times, all the time I was aware that I will fail. And so even now, I don’t believe how i made it. “Everybody talks about this subject because it’s sensitive,” Bazi said. “But when it comes to the action, nobody does nothing.”



9 killed as pro-Biafra protests turn bloody

ABUJA—THE three-week-long pro-Biafra protests turned bloody, yesterday, as the Joint Military Task Force (JTF) killed nine of the protesters and injured 18 in Onitsha, the commercial city of Anambra State.

Pro-Biafra protesters mount road blocks and bonfires at Onitsha Head Bridge in Anambra State, yesterday. Photos: Vincent Ujumadu.
Pro-Biafra protesters mount road blocks and bonfires at Onitsha Head Bridge in Anambra State, yesterday. Photos: Vincent Ujumadu.
Irked by the stubborn disposition of the pro- Biafra agitators, who blocked the Niger Bridge Head and refused to give way to motorists, the JTF comprising Army, Navy, Police and Civil Defence troops, yesterday  afternoon, opened fire at protesting members of Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, and  Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, killing nine people and injuring 18. Five people were killed  at Niger Bridge Head while three were killed at Obodoukwu Road. A suya (barbecue meat) seller said to have been hit by a stray bullet died instantly. The protesters were having a peaceful procession across South East states and had vowed to continue their blockage of the bridge for three days until detained Director of Radio Biafra, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu is released.
Miscreants, on hearing that some people had been shot dead by the JTF, started another protest, marched to the Central mosque near Onitsha Main Market and set it ablaze. A Hilux pick-up van with Federal Government number plate was also burnt when the JTF held motorists and commuters hostage at Upper Iweka with sporadic shootings that had never been witnessed before in Onitsha.
Despite losing  two men, we  didn’t attack  protesters  Police
The Anambra Police Command said, yesterday, that despite losing two of its men during the pro-Biafra protests in Onitsha, the command never retaliated.
The command’s Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Mr. Ali Okechukwu, in an interview, faulted the allegation that Police fired at the protesters, adding that one of the policemen, a sergeant, was killed at Obodo Ukwu, while the other was killed at Eze Iweka road.
He said that following the problem in Onitsha, police kept vigil to ensure that peace was maintained and totally denied police involvement in the bloody riot that led to the death of about nine people.
“We did not fire a shot at anybody and even when our men were felled, we still did not retaliate,” he said.
It was gathered that what led to yesterday’s violence was an attempt by the JTF to reopen the blocked roads at the Bridge Head and at Upper Iweka road in the wee hours of Wednesday.
When the security operatives tried to open the roads,  it was learned, they met resistance from the protesters, who grounded Onitsha on Tuesday and ensured that no vehicle entered or left the commercial city.
How protests  turned bloody
The protesting IPOB members had blocked the Niger Bridge early Tuesday morning, thereby grounding vehicular movements in and out of Onitsha.  From Asaba, Delta State, many boarded speed boats provided by the Marine Police to get in and out of Onitsha.
The protest was, however, aggravated by shooting to death of five IPOB members who were observing their peaceful procession at the Niger Bridge Head against the continued detention of their leader, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu at about 1.30 am
Pro-Biafra protesters mount road blocks and bonfires at Onitsha Head Bridge in Anambra State, yesterday. Photos: Vincent Ujumadu.
Pro-Biafra protesters mount road blocks and bonfires at Onitsha Head Bridge in Anambra State, yesterday. Photos: Vincent Ujumadu.
All the markets in Onitsha were shut around 12.30 pm, as thousands of traders in the markets and environs were seen scampering for safety as sporadic gunshots continued in many parts of the city.
The JTF, who could not disperse the protesters on Tuesday invaded the Niger Bridge at about 1.30 am, yesterday, and opened fire on the IPOB members who refused to leave the Niger Bridge, the gateway to the South East, killing six people including the suya seller said to have been hit by a stray bullet.
The killing of the protesters sparked off another protest by IPOB members who were joined by MASSOB members. They made bonfires along Onitsha-Owerri Road and Onitsha-Enugu Express way, forcing motorists coming in and out of Onitsha from Enugu, Asaba and Owerri to be trapped.
A Vanguard reporter who went to Oba for an assignment was trapped at Oba junction, where he had to pay N3,000 from Oba Junction to Tarzan Junction, Onitsha, as over 2,000 vehicles coming into Onitsha were seen parked at the Oba Junction and refused entrance into Onitsha.
Commercial motorcyclists banned on the express roads by the state government made brisk business and had a field day as it was the only means of coming into and out of Onitsha.
Military should  not push us into violence IPOB
Speaking with newsmen, National coordinator of IPOB, Mr. Chidiebere Onwudiwe, alleged that five of their members were killed while 18 people sustained injuries, adding that he learned that more people were killed in the sporadic shooting by the JTF at Upper Iweka.
“The Joint Military Task Force could not disperse the protesters on Tuesday, and they went to regroup and invaded our members who were observing our three-day peaceful protest at the Niger Bridge at about 1.30 am Wednesday morning. We warned that they should not push us to be violent because we have people that can match them violence for violence,” he said.
Vanguard gathered that Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka, the Ogirisi Igbo, a respected Igbo leader, who has the loyalty of both MASSOB and IPOB youths was attacked at about 1.35 am when he went to talk to the protesting youths at the Niger Bridge Head, after some Igbo leaders had pleaded with him to speak with the protesters.
Speaking in an interview at his house in Oba, Chief Ezeonwuka said: “The dangerous game being played by the Federal Government of Nigeria in the continued incarceration of Nnamdi Kanu will end up being an expensive joke and dangerous mistake.
“I am calling on Igbo elite to speak with one voice for immediate release of Nnamdi Kanu before the youths turn their peaceful protest to violent protest. The protest started with free flow of traffic, but today it has advanced to road block,” he said.
The Campaign for Democracy, CD, South East branch, also condemned the killing of the protesters. Chairman of CD, South East branch, Dede Uzor A Uzor, said: “IPOB has been peaceful in their protest and there should not be any reason to open fire on them by security agencies. We are also calling for the unconditional release of Nnamdi Kanu and other IPOB and MASSOB members being incarcerated in various prisons and detention centres in the country, as they have not broken any law for protesting peacefully.”
IG reads riot act, begins prosecution of protesters
However, the Inspector-General of Police, IGP Solomon Arase, has disclosed that no fewer than 137 protesters have been arrested and currently undergoing prosecution. The police boss spoke yesterday, when he visited the Ministry of Interior.
According to him, the suspects are all members of MASSOB and IPOB.
Arase, who also described Nigerians as lawless, said in as much as government respects the right of citizens to free expression, MASSOB and IPOB activists must stop threatening public peace or face the full wrath of the law.
His words: “What I can assure you is that we will not allow any group to disturb the peace of this country. We will clamp down on them, we will deal with them, we will prosecute them. Already, we have about 137 of them who are undergoing prosecution across the length and breadth of the South East and we will continue to do that.
“The latest manifestation of this threat is the attempt to block the Onitsha end of Niger Bridge on December 1, 2015, an action that caused major hardship to innocent and law abiding motorists and citizens. The act also occasioned serious dislocation of business activities.”
Arase issued a stern warning to MASSOB and IPOB activists to stop threatening public peace or face the full weight of the law.
To maintain law and order, the IG in a statement by Acting ACP Olabisi Kolawole, directed  Assistant Inspectors–General of Police Zone 5, (Benin); Zone 6, (Calabar) and Zone 9 (Umuahia) and all Commissioners of Police in the affected states in the South East and neigbouring states “to henceforth maximally exercise their statutory mandate in relation to prevention and disruption of any gathering that threatens public order and national cohesion. Any person or group of persons so arrested in furtherance to the enforcement of this order will be made to face the full wrath of the law”.
The IGP advised parents and guardians to call their children and wards to order as the patience of the Force was being stretched to the limit, adding that  “no individual or group interest can override the interest of the nation and that democratic values provide for exploration of rule of law to advance any concern, not the resort to endless and misguided acts of brigandage, unless there is an ulterior motive as the extant instance tends to dictate.”
Monarchs to the rescue
Disturbed by the growing protests, representatives of Northern States Council of Traditional Rulers and their South East counterparts met in Owerri, yesterday, to deliberate on the issue.
The visiting royal fathers from the North were led by the Etsu Nupe, His Royal Highness, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar.
Other traditional rulers that made the trip included the Coordinating Committee Chairman of Northern States Council of Traditional Rulers and the Emir of Gumi, Justice Lawal Aliyu Gumi; the Emir of Lafia, Alhaji Mustapha Agwai, who is the Chairman of Nasarawa State Council of Traditional Rulers; Emir of Fika, Alhaji Abali Mohammadu, Chairman of Yobe State Council of Traditional Rulers, and Gbong Gwom Jos, Da Jacob Buba Gyang, Chairman of Plateau State Council of Traditional Rulers.
The South-East Traditional Rulers were led to the meeting by the Chairman of the Council, Eze Ebere Dick, who is also the Chairman of the Abia State Council of Traditional Rulers; Obi of Onitsha, Igwe Nnaemeka Alfred Achebe, Chairman of Anambra State Council of Traditional Rulers; Eze Agunwa Ohiri, Chairman Imo State Council of Traditional Rulers and Eze Dr. Agom Eze, Chairman, Ebonyi State Council of Traditional Rulers.
Speaking when the group paid a courtesy call on Governor Rochas Okorocha at the Government House, Owerri, the Etsu Nupe and leader of the delegation, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar, explained that they were in the state to meet with the South East Traditional Council, at the instance of His Eminence, Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar, who is Chairman of the Northern Council of Traditional Rulers.
“We are principally in Imo to discuss the issue of the current and escalating agitation by Pro-Biafra groups in the South-East geo-political zone and to find the reasons for this renewed agitations and how the situation can be arrested”, Alhaji Abubakar said.
He also disclosed that they are in Imo to find out the truth about the rumour that there was crises in the leadership of the South East Council of Traditional Rulers.
While saying that they would go back home to relate their findings to their colleagues, the royal fathers also remarked that  protection of the nation’s unity was paramount.
Speaking also, Chairman of the South East Traditional Council, Eze Ebere Dick, promised that they would work together with the South East governors to amicably resolve the MASSOB and IPOB issues.
Responding, Governor Okorocha commended the royal fathers for the meeting, which he described as timely and advised them too to “make such meetings regular in the interest of the nation. There is need for traditional rulers across the nation to be meeting regularly, to help in curbing religious and ethnic crises, mostly caused or sponsored by politicians for political gains. It is also important that our traditional rulers should resist the temptation of entering into the murky waters of Nigerian politics.”
On the pro-Biafra protests and agitations, Governor Okorocha informed that the South-East governors and stakeholders in the region had set up a committee to look into the issue and proffer quick solution.
The governor also appealed to the Northern traditional rulers to, as a  matter of urgency, address the issue of the activities of Fulani herdsmen within the South-East because their activities constitute great danger to lives and properties of the people of the area.
Obiano sues for peace
Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State, last night, in a broadcast appealed to the protesters to maintain peace and resist attempt by hoodlums to take advantage of the situation to destabilize the state.
The governor’s address read: “My beloved people of Anambra State, I wish to address you on the on-going protest staged in Onitsha by the members of the Indigenous People of Biafra and MASSOB.
“The government of Anambra State has been monitoring developments and is greatly concerned about the security of lives and property of residents and visitors to the state. As your Governor and Chief Security Officer of the state, I am compelled to act to avert any likely breakdown of law and order. In all situations, the preservation of human life comes first and I am determined to enforce that.
“Since the inception of my administration, we have made the security of lives and property our priority and we are not going to compromise on that. I, therefore, sincerely appeal to members of the IPOB, MASSOB and other aggrieved groups and individuals to maintain the peace and resist any attempt by hoodlums to take advantage of the situation and destabilize any part of Anambra State.
“I am in constant touch with all the security agencies in the state to ensure that what has otherwise been a peaceful protest is not hijacked by trouble makers. All mischief makers are hereby warned to keep off as we will not tolerate any breach of peace under any guise or pretext. You are seriously warned! I therefore wish to assure Ndi Anambra and all visitors to the state to go about their normal businesses peacefully as the security agencies are on top of the situation to preserve law and order.”
We didn’t set Onitsha Central Mosque ablaze – IPOB, MASSOB
Meanwhile, the agitating groups have disassociated themselves from acts of arson and violence that culminated in the razing down of Onitsha Central Mosque and burning of some vehicles.
MASSOB Acting Leader, Uchenna Madu, in a statement said: “The setting of Ontisha Central Mosque and vehicles ablaze and making of bonfires, which depict violence are not done by the members of IPOB or MASSOB under my leadership.
“This unwarranted acts of violence are perfected by hoodlums sponsored by agents of the Federal Government to create impression that non-violence and peaceful pro-Biafra groups have turned violent in our agitation for Biafra. Our oppressors are no longer comfortable. There is no evidence of terrorism in our protest. How can we resort to violence now that we’re told that the presidency is about negotiating with leaders of pro-Biafra group?
“With today’s killing of our members and injuring many with bullet shots,we are no longer comfortable with the presidency’s move for dialogue. Federal Government’s move for dialogue is hypocritical and deceitful. Any Igbo group, organization and persons negotiating, meeting or dialoguing with the presidency on our behalf without our consent or mandate should stop now.
“MASSOB led by Uchenna Madu and IPOB led by Nnamdi Kanu have never mandated any person to negotiate for us. Even in this persecution, arrest, killings, clampdown, suppression against us by Nigeria Government, we shall continue and intensify our non-violence agitation for Biafra. For Nigeria to release their Armed Forces against non-violent, defenceless Biafra agitators shows their wickedness and the devilish mind of President Muhammad Buhari against our people.”
Don’t use force
Following the recent development, Igbo living in Niger State have urged the Federal Government not to use force on the agitators for Biafra but rather should dialogue with them in order not to further compound the insecurity that has already enveloped many parts of the country.
While suggeting dialogue as a means of settling the crisis which is daily building up across the country, the Niger State Chapter of Ohanaeze Ndigbo said it is not in any way in support of any move that could lead to war in the country.



Kogi Senate Seats: Uncommon appeal judgments

The election petition case against the three senators from Kogi State came to the last bus-stop last Wednesday. In a common case of failure of the APC Senators to subject themselves to party primaries before election, two of the senators had their elections nullified and their party barred from the rerun, while Senator Dino Melaye smiled away with the dismissal of the case against him.
By Kingsley Fanwo
THE Court of Appeal, Abuja Division was the cynosure of many political stakeholders from Kogi State last Wednesday, December 2, 2015. It was the day the court gave judgment on all the three appeals on the Senate contests in Kogi State.
All three APC senators who were declared winners of the election by the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC had been dragged to the tribunal on the common ground that the party did not conduct primaries prior to the 2015 general elections as against the grains of the law.
While the case against Senator Dino Melaye, Kogi West was dismissed at the lower tribunal, the duo of Mohammed Ohiare and Abdulrahman Abubakar had suffered defeats at the lower tribunal.
With the prevailing breeze of unease, the December 2 judgments were expected to decide the fate of all three embattled Senators. The election that produced Sen. Abdulrahman (Railway) of Kogi East was finally nullified and another election was ordered by the Appeal Court within 90 days. Remarkably, APC was disqualified from contesting the bye election as its candidate ab initio was improperly nominated. The same judgment was delivered between Sen. Ohiare and Hon. Ogembe of the PDP.
Coming to Kogi West, the tides changed. The breeze around the ocean suddenly turned hot as Melaye was declared to have been the winner of the Kogi West contest, a situation that has puzzled political pundits and judicial record keepers.
The decision of the Court of Appeal to nullify the election of the two other senators elected on the same basis has now raised focus on the judgments.
The Dino escape is, however, not the only one. It is on record that a number of House of Assembly members who won elections on the platform of the APC had their elections nullified by the Election Tribunals in Lokoja. Some of the APC legislators who scaled the Lokoja hurdles are currently facing the heat at the Appellate Tribunal in Abuja over the same issue.


Bayelsa: 24 hours to D-Day

Twenty candidates are vying to occupy the Creek Haven, Bayelsa State Government House as contained on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) list.
However, the events of the last one month has shown that the governorship election holding  this Saturday  is a two horse race between the incumbent Governor Seriake Dickson of the Peoples Democratic Party PDP and Chief Timipre Sylva, a former governor of the state and candidate of the All Progressive Congress (APC).
The rest of the candidates are mere contenders for the big pie on the pages of newspapers, if they ever get mentioned in the newspapers or in the electronic or social media.
Only one candidate would triumph at the end of the poll which has a total of 663,639 registered voters, about 52,000 higher than those who registered to vote in the last general election following the continuous voter registration exercise recently conducted by INEC
By Samuel Oyadongha
Jonathan’s political future
ToMORROW’s poll is going to be keenly contested as it will also decide the political future and relevance of former President Goodluck Jonathan not only in his homestead Bayelsa but also in the political equation of the country.   It is an election many analysts are convinced that the power of incumbency may not count, due to the overwhelming power of the central government.
Jonathan’s   political survival, according to observers of unfolding event in the state,   will be dependent on the success of his political god son.
Many have argued that in spite of his eight years in the Presidency, the state and his Ogbia kingdom did not benefit from him except for some of his close associates.
Jonathan’s Ogbia kinsmen known for their bloc vote in every election are presently divided due to what some of them described as the neglect of his home front. “Many now see the election as a payback time not because of Dickson as an individual but because they are angry that the President neglected the state and the Ogbia kingdom.”
Political affairs
To an average PDP supporter in the state, it is unthinkable the thought   of   defeat of PDP in the governorship poll. Anything contrary, may spell doom for the status and personality of former President Jonathan.
“Another defeat at the home front will literally signal the end of his domination in the political affairs of the state,” said a concerned Bayelsan who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Since the tail end of 2005 when he became the governor of Bayelsa   by a twist of fate, Jonathan has since then held sway as a major power broker in the state.
Considering his disposition to things of life, Jonathan may not attach much importance   to the outcome of the poll and continue with his life but the political precedent it will create is definitely going to cause chain reaction.
Seriake Dickson
Jonathan and Dickson
Jonathan and Dickson
Some political analysts think the incumbent governor of Bayelsa State is the favourite to clinch the poll in spite of the strong showings of the APC candidate, Chief Timipre Sylva. The Toru-Orua born Dickson, a former policeman/lawyer turned politician could best be described as a grassroots man having served as one-time Legal Adviser of the apex Ijaw socio-cultural organisation, the Ijaw National Congress, INC, a position that has helped shaped his thinking and placed him in plum position to champion Ijaw consciousness. Today, the state can boast of its own emblem and insignia like Lagos and Osun among others.
His recent community to community meet the people campaign which took him to all the nooks and crannies of the state has further endeared him to the rural people who constitute the bulk of the voting population. Dickson, during the campaign tour, sometimes passed the night in these communities.   The rural folks saw in him a man they could trust for simply identifying with them during his nearly one month tour as well as having a project to show in most communities visited. But his detractors believe that for almost four years, he has never visited these communities, only to visit the down trodden because he now needs their votes.
Immediately Dickson was sworn in as Governor in 2012 he swung into action with construction work everywhere and by his initial development strides he became a folk hero among the populace and one of his aides nicknamed him the “countryman Governor”.
He claimed to have changed the face of development in the state with infrastructure development in education and roads. But critics of his administration have decried his stringent fiscal  policy which according to them has engendered poverty in the land. The argument of his traducers not withstanding, Dickson  has repeatedly said his projects will speak for him.
Sylva: Sylva, a former governor and candidate of the All Progressive Congress APC is banking on his popularity among the youths and what he described as his achievements when he held sway from 2007- 2012. The APC candidate has never failed to cite his triple E policy of engagement, empowerment and enforcement which according to him helped restore peace in the state during the hey days of militancy in the Niger Delta.
He also continued with some of the projects inherited like the Tower Hotel which he took from the first floor to the 18th  floor where it has remained till date.
Internal roads
He also completed the Isaac Boro Park, which he inherited, he started and completed the Koki Diette Memorial Hospital at Opolo and constructed several internal roads most of which are impassable today due to structural defects and lack of maintenance.
But the sore point of administration was the excesses of the state owned security outfit, Operation Famou Tangbe accused of abuse of human rights and alleged extra judicial killings.
Yenagoa: Yenagoa LGA, which host the state capital has the highest number of registered voters for the poll. Here the PDP and APC can boast of quality and dependable strategists. The victorious party in the council area will most likely be that whose foot soldiers are able to march out more registered voters. The council area has a large mix  of non-indigenes who operate private businesses. The non-indigenes may not be moved by the sentiments of patronage that is counting for Sylva.
Interestingly, Yenagoa is made up of several communities where the chiefs and political leaders to a large extent determine the voting pattern in the area in every election.
The senator representing the Central Senatorial District, Emmanuel Paulker of the PDP is from the council area. Though Paulker was known to be at loggerhead with the incumbent governor, a development that led to most of his supporters to defect to the APC, it was however gathered that the former President, who is a cousin to the senator had secretly brokered peace between them (Paulker and Dickson) to ward off the looming threat from the APC.
The PDP also boasts of young grassroots’ elements such as the state commissioner for information and orientation, Barrister Esueme Dan-Kikile, who incidentally has remained a committed party member since 1999. He was a one time Youth Leader and the state Publicity Secretary of the party. He is widely loved by his Atissai kinsmen especially the youths due his generosity and unassuming lifestyle. There is also Sobre Appah, from the Atisaai stock, fondly called the ‘godfather or Adedibu of Yenagoa’ due to his vast experience as a grassroots mobiliser. Barrister Osom Makbere, the PDP Publicity Secretary from the Epie axis of Yenagoa is another influential voice in his area who many of the youths love and look up to as their role model. The PDP also has Hon Bob Mcmannuel of the State House of Assembly and several other political aides of the state governor who have been mandated to deliver their respective units.
The APC on the other hand has former Speaker and Acting Governor, Werinipre Seibarugu to swing the votes in the Ekpetiama axis of Yenagoa in favour of the APC.
There is also, Chief Diekive Ikiogha, a former Chief of Staff, Government House who played a major role in the emergence   of Dickson as governor of the state before they fell apart. Ikiogha has the resources to  swing the votes in his Kpansia area in favour of the APC. There also Chief Godsknow Powell who can help divide the Agudama-Epie votes in the direction of the APC.
Kolokuma-Opokuma LGA – 39, 748 votes: Kolokuma-Opokuma LGA is the smallest council area in the central senatorial district and the state. In spite of its small size and population, the area boasts of some political bigwigs such as  former Managing Director of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) Mr. Timi Alaibe of the APC.
Mega rally
(Photo right)-Former Governor Timipre Sylva; back in the reckoning for leadership of the state as the arrowhead of the APC. Picture by Lindsay Barrett.
His appearance at the APC mega rally last Tuesday and the underground politicking of many other APC faithful in the area may swing the vote in the direction of the party. There is also Indutimi Komonibo, a former commissioner for science and technology and manpower development who resigned his appointment to pitch tent with the APC.
But the PDP on its part is confident that the projects executed by the governor like the new Boro town, burial of the remains of late Major Isaac Adaka Boro at the Heroes Park in Yenagoa after it was exhumed from the Ikoyi cemetery in Lagos, 34years after his death, the  Youth Development Centre and the Sports Academy at Asoama and the NYSC Permanent Orientation Camp among others would swing the votes in its favour in the area regarded as the cradle of Ijaw and Niger Delta struggle.
The party also has dependable politicians like the member representing Yenagoa-Kolokuma-Opokuma Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Douye Diri, the council chairman, Gbaranbiri Iselema and Hon Tonye Isenah of the State House of Assembly to count on.
Bayelsa West – 171,016 registered voters: The west senatorial district of the state which is made up Ekeremor and Sagbama council areas is the senatorial district of the incumbent governor, Dickson and the Minister of State for Agriculture, Senator Heineken Lokpobiri.
Ekeremor LGA – 83,774 Registered Voters: Ekeremor LGA which has 83,774 registered voters is another area that is prone to election violence. It  is not surprising given that the area has an array of political juggernauts with Senator Lokpobiri among the most prominent.
Lokpobiri, a dogged fighter was the pioneer Speaker of the Bayelsa State House of Assembly who is expected to lead other APC chieftains to outwit the likes of PDP stalwarts including the Director-General of the Restoration Campaign Organisation of Governor Dickson, Hon. Fred Agbedi who is the current member representing Sagbama-Ekeremor federal constituency in the House of Representatives.
Agbedi will also be assisted by the likes of Hon. Peremobowei Ebebi, a Prince of Aleibiri kingdom and former Deputy Governor of the State and former Speaker of the state House of Assembly, Boyelayefa Debekeme.
Influence in the council
Dr. Rachael Dickson, the wife of the governor, is also from the council area. They are expected to act as check on Lokpobiri’s influence in the council area and split the votes.
Sagbama LGA – 87,242 votes: This is the home council of the state Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson and it has 87,242 votes for grabs making it the third highest populated local government area in the state. It was the council area where the rival APC flagged off its governorship campaign, an event that attracted a huge crowd of supporters.
Political observers have argued that the struggle to secure appreciable votes is dependent on the hard work of the APC stalwarts in the council.
Moses Siasia
Moses Siasia
Dickson will be assisted by most of his retinue of aides from the council area including the three members of the State House of Assembly and the Deputy Chief of Staff. Also in the governor’s camp is the Senator representing Bayelsa West Senatorial district, Senator Foster Ogola and Chief Ayakeme Whisky another formidable grassroots politician.
On the other hand, the APC has in its fold the former Speaker and Acting Governor, Nestor Binabo, the former Chairman of the council and member of the APC Board of Trustee, Perez Peretu, former Secretary to the State Government, Ambassador Felix Oboro, an experienced grassroots politician, former member representing Sagbama-Ekeremor federal constituency Dr. Stella Dorgu and others.
BAYELSA EAST Nembe/Brass/Ogbia: The three councils in the Bayelsa East Senatorial district with a voting population of   192,271 have formidable gladiators including the state’s Deputy Governor, Rear Admiral Gboribiogha John Jonah (rtd) and the APC flag bearer, Chief Timipre Sylva. Former President Goodluck Jonathan is also from the senatorial district.
John Jonah will be assisted by the likes of former Senator Barigha Nimi-Amange, a master strategist and grassroots politician from Nembe, James Jephthah (Nembe), Senator. Ben Murray Bruce (Brass), the Acting Chairman of the PDP Serena Dokubo- Spiff, the Director of Media and Publicity of Dickson’s campaign team, Hon. Jonathan Obuebite and Sylva’s former campaign field marshal, Chief George Fente. There is also Senator Inatimi Rufus-Spiff and Bemo Spiff.
The APC candidate, Timipre Sylva also has a formidable team including the only APC member in the State Assembly, Hon. Sunny Igoli and the Deputy Director General of his campaign team, Lionel Jonathan-Omo. The party is however banking on the fact that since its candidate Sylva is from Okpoama on the Brass island the people would rally together to vote for him as a son of the area.



ECOWAS businessmen seek court on trade disputes

Businessmen and traders of member states of the Economic Community of West Africa States worried by lack of sanctity of contract and respect for the protocol of the community are seeking legal option to settle trade and related dispute among members.  They are in agreement that an ECOWAS Court of Justice is a potential forum for the adjudication of trade related regional instruments and are of the view that there is need for advocacy towards the expansion of the jurisdiction of the ECOWAS Court of Justice hitherto limited to human rights to cover trade related issues as part of economic rights.
At a two day public-private sector dialogue on Nigeria/ECOWAS trade litigation group organized by the Association of Nigerian Traders in collaboration with the EU and German International Cooperation meeting, it was agreed that stakeholders should advocate the amendment of the ECOWAS Treaty to allow for suprantionality of the body as obtained in the UEMOA system.
ECOWAS Parliament
ECOWAS Parliament
According to a communiqué issued after the meeting and signed by Ken UKAOHA, Esq, Secretariat President, National Association of Nigerian Traders, the body agreed that similarly, advocacy should be geared towards persuading member states to domesticate ECOWAS instruments in countries where domestication applies.
Ukaoh said: “This Public-Private Sector dialogue was organised by NANTS with support from the European Union and the German International Cooperation (GIZ) under the Strengthening Nigeria’s Trade Support Institutions (SNTSi) Programme.
The dialogue was convened to examine avenues towards promoting redress for traders and other business actors in cases of violation of ECOWAS Treaty and Protocols relating to freedom of movement, rights of residence and establishment within the region.
“Specifically, the event focused on identifying possible strategies towards the expansion of the jurisdiction of the ECOWAS Court of Justice to cover issues relating to infraction of regional instruments regarding trade and other forms of business activities, especially the possibility of using strategic litigation in this regard. The event also explored strategies towards advocating for political action on the part of member States with a view to amending the Protocol setting up the ECOWAS Court of Justice.
“Participants were drawn from various stakeholder groups cutting across the relevant MDAs, regional institutions, private sector, cross border traders, legal profession, law students, media, etc.
“The two-day event had presentations from various experts which focused on the practical experiences and issues that call for litigation along the ECOWAS border routes, the possible legal avenues for cross border business operators to obtain legal redress in cases of infraction of regional instruments and the limitations of these avenues, proposals for addressing the challenges, etc.
Presentations were followed by lively debates among participants which brought to the fore, some experiences and frustrations from the field, intricacies of the jurisdiction of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, legal postulations on the applicability/enforceability of ECOWAS legal instruments in the Nigerian courts, etc.”
At the end of the two-day event, participants arrived at some conclusions and resolved as follows: “That the free movement of persons, goods, services and capital within the region is fundamental to the realisation of collective prosperity within the region, therefore, national governments must take all necessary actions towards complying with the regional instruments aimed at achieving a common economic space within the region.
That the current lack of enforcement of regional instruments by the member States occasion untold hardship for the community citizens who derive their livelihood from cross border business activities, hence the need for alternative strategies of enforcement.” The communiqué said: “Since the domestic courts of member states are incompetent to adjudicate on contraventions of regional instruments, there is need to have an effective regional platform for the adjudication of those infractions/infringements.”
It further said “that Non-State Actors should explore the option of Strategic Litigation by bringing cases before the ECOWAS Court of Justice that seek to test the extent of the human rights jurisdiction of the Court, especially since some of the trade related infractions have human rights undertone”. Nigeria, the traders’ body said, “needs to play a more proactive role in shaping the regional integration agenda especially by complying with regional instruments and using its political and economic weight to ensure that other countries do the same.
Stakeholders, they argued “should liaise with and seek collaboration of public interest lawyers to initiate cases at the ECOWAS Court of Justice on possible pro bono basis and that they should also explore advocacy towards the establishment of specialised courts with trade law competence to adjudicate over trade related issues (such as customs valuation, certification, etc) at the national levels.
That there is need to widen the conversation to include all those working on the rule of law and regional integration, as well as members of the judiciary and political leaders at the national and regional levels. That the identified gaps in trade litigation should be brought to the notice of the relevant Community Institutions and member States as a way of advocating for the necessary legal changes.
They also said that “business actors and law enforcement agencies who ply their trade across the borders should be continuously sensitised through workshops, seminars, publications and road shows about ECOWAS as well as the rules and procedures for transacting business within the region, including products that are contraband”.
More over they said “there is need to establish a mechanism to collate complaints from the business community on the infractions of regional instruments as it concerns them. This could be done through the various market traders associations. Also Nigerian traders in other countries should form or register with National Association of Nigerian Traders in those countries as a platform for obtaining information and seeking redress where the need arises.
They said: “Government should develop a conscious policy towards integrating international trade law into the curriculum of Nigerian Universities as a way of developing more domestic capacity in trade law, while also recognizing the role of trade lawyers in government institutions”.
On the CET, they said that “the national authority responsible (Federal Ministry of Finance) should enact the CET into a national tariff regulation to allow for smooth implementation as this may contribute to reducing debates and entanglements associated with the ratification or otherwise of the CET”.


Flour Mills Nigeria: One step away from loss

Flour Mills Nigeria showed an exceptional rise in profit at the end of its second quarter trading yet it is facing operating pressure that leaves it just one step away from a loss. The company’s 450% rise in after tax profit in the second quarter is an exceptional earnings record in a year of a general corporate earnings lull. With an after tax profit of N24.02 billion at half year, the company has already made about three times the full year profit figure it posted at the end of the preceding financial year.
Olam Rice Mill, Nassarawa
File: Olam Rice Mill, Nassarawa
The company’s impressive profit show however came almost exclusively from profit realised from disposal of investment in associates. Without the windfall, Flour Mills would have reported a meager profit of N287 million in the second quarter. That is the only contribution from the company’s normal operations to the otherwise robust bottom line picture displayed at the end of the second quarter. That was all the company saved for shareholders out of sales revenue of N177.58 billion generated at the end of the second quarter.
The company faces intense operating pressure from rising cost of sales and huge interest charges that have undermined profit capacity considerably. Last financial year, sale of investment equally yielded a windfall of N14.28 billion, which enabled the company to escape a loss that could have resulted from huge interest expenses of N18.70 billion.
Two major cost elements have eroded profit margin in the core business of the company and the structure for profitable operations appears to be missing presently. One is cost of sales, which accounts for 90% of sales revenue. The other is interest expenses, which rose by 21.1% at the end of the second quarter to N12.33 billion – close to three times as fast as sales revenue. The company’s operating profit was insufficient to meet finance cost in the second quarter.
The company’s operations run on huge balance sheet debts. Despite a significant reduction, the company still has term loans of N63.74 billion and a bank overdraft of N39.42 billion. There are also short-term loans of N46.58 billion and unsecured fixed rate bond of N9.23 billion. The company will need to free itself of much of these borrowings for it to regain the capacity to convert revenue into profit.
The company generated sales revenue of N177.58 billion in the second quarter, which is an increase of 7.3% year-on-year. Full year turnover is projected at N359 billion for Flour Mills Nigeria in the 2015/16 financial year. That would be a growth of 16.6% against a decline of 5.2% last financial year. Without the gain from disposal of investment, the company stood only a thin line between profit and loss at the end of the second quarter.
Profit capacity was further constrained by major drops of 32.7% in other income and 76.4% in investment income during the review period.  Given the cost-income structure the company is operating, no reasonable addition to the profit figure is anticipated from Flour Mills Nigeria for the rest of the financial year. After tax profit is is therefore expected to amount to N24.31 billion at full year – only marginally higher than the second quarter closing figure. This will nevertheless be an outstanding growth of 187% over the preceding year’s closing net profit figure of N8.47 billion.
The company remains under cash flow pressure, as net cash generated from operating activities could not cover debt repayments and interest expenses. Cash generated from sale of investment enabled the company to meet substantially a net cash utilisation of over N27 billion from financing activities. Without it, the company would have piled more debts to meet serious cash flow pressure. Despite the windfall, the company still carries a cash deficit in excess of N23 billion.
In the midst of the cash flow difficulties facing the company, it is not certain if shareholders can hope to share from the big harvest by way of a decent dividend. The company’s directors declared a dividend holiday last financial year but whether the bigger windfall from sale of investment this year may end the holiday isn’t foreseeable for now.
Nestle Nigeria: profit flat on slow sales, rising costs
Nestle Nigeria is unable to push sales volume so far this year and rising operating cost have encroached on margins and kept profit flat. The food and beverages company suffered a slight decline in profit last year with an increase of 7.7% in turnover. This year, sales revenue isn’t likely to grow as fast as happened last year but a moderate improvement in profit may be possible at full year. Some cost saving is helping the company to defend profit margin and that is the key operating strength for the company this year.
Sales revenue amounted to N108 billion at the end of the third quarter, which is an improvement of 5.2% year-on-year. Full year projection indicates sales revenue of over N145 billion for Nestle Nigeria at the end of 2015. This will be a marginal increase of 1.4% – the slowest revenue improvement in many years. The growth rate in the third quarter is therefore expected to slow down at full year.
The ability to grow sales revenue is bound to be constrained as long as the company is unable to appeal to consumers’ low cost sentiments. A low price response is needed to stimulate the consumer market at a time of low spending capacity. The company said increased cost of input induced by the devaluation of the naira is the problem. The inability to transfer the cost increase to the market is hurting sales as well as profit.
The company ended third quarter operations with after tax profit of N17.24 billion, which is a flat growth of 2.2% year-on-year. After tax profit is projected at N23.8 billion for Nestle Nigeria in 2015. The flat growth in the third quarter is expected to step up to an increase of 7% at the end of the year.
Nestle Nigeria implemented efficiency and cost saving initiatives that enabled it to contain rising cost of sales and therefore improve gross profit ahead of sales. Cost of sales increased by 2.8% against the 5.2% increase in sales revenue. That improved gross profit margin from 43.2% in the same period last year to 44.5% at the end of the third quarter. Further cost management success happened in respect of administrative expenses and marketing cost. This enabled the company to raise operating profit by 11.6% – more than twice as fast as sales revenue.
However most of the cost saved was claimed by finance charges, which nearly doubled at the end of the third quarter. Finance charges amounted to N3.86 billion, which claimed 15.6% of operating profit against 8.8% in the same period last year.
The ability to defend profit margin is the key strength of the company this year. Net profit margin is slightly up from 15.5% at the end of last year to 16% at the end of the third quarter. That informs an expectation of a moderate improvement in after tax profit at the end of 2015. Nestle Nigeria has not achieved a reasonable growth in profit over the past three years.
Management needs to recharge the company’s growth momentum by focusing on low cost high margin products, which will be an appropriate response to the present conditions of the consumer market in Nigeria. The company has declared an interim cash dividend of N10 per share. The register of shareholders closed on 20th November and payment is scheduled for 7th December 2015.


MPC measures not sufficient for economic growth – Analysts

•To reduce FG’s debt service burden
•Inject N771bn liquidity into interbank market
•Trigger capital flight, increased inflation
By Babajide Komolafe
The decisions of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) to reduce the Monetary Policy Rate (MPR) to 11 percent and cut the Cash Reserve Requirement of banks to 20 percent will not automatically translate to economic growth, said economic analysts. Faced with the slow economic growth in the three quarters of the year, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) at the end of its meeting on Tuesday decided to relax monetary policy in a bid to boost growth.  Consequently the MPC reduced the MPR from 13.0 percent to 11.0 percent; reduced the Cash Reserve Requirement (CRR) from 25.0 percent to 20.0 percent; and fixed the Asymmetric corridor of +2.0 percent and -7.0 percent around the MPR.
Gov Central Bank of Nigeria, Central Bank of Nigeria
Gov Central Bank of Nigeria, Central Bank of Nigeria
Commenting on this development, Razi Khan of Standard Chartered said, “The easing measures are aimed at boosting Nigeria’s real economy. How successful they are will depend on how much other bottlenecks, currently constraining real-sector activity, can be overcome”. Kunle Ezun of Ecobank Treasury Research team expressed similar views.
He said, “While this effort from the monetary authority to boost growth is commendable, it is not automatic and might require  complementary efforts and strategic policy decision from the fiscal authority in the area of infrastructural renewal and security to transform the economy”.
Similarly, Financial Derivative Company (FDC) in its reaction stated, “Though the new changes made to the policy rate and CRR indicate the apex bank’s concern with the slowing economic growth, the exchange rate and its policy implications is still an issue that the CBN will need to answer. All eyes will now move to the January meeting and the 2016 budget of the FGN to see what the economic direction of Nigeria is likely to be.”
To reduce FG’s debt service burden
According to the FDC, the decision of the MPC will lead to 50 percent reduction in the debt service burden of the federal government. The company noted, “But more importantly is the adjustment of the corridor around the MPR to an asymmetric corridor of +2 percent and -7 percent. What this effectively means is that the CBN will borrow at 4 percent p.a and lend at 13 percent p.a. By this significant move, the CBN will be reducing the FGN debt service burden by about a half. The Federal government debt service burden in 2014 was in excess of N1 trillion.”
N771bn liquidity injection
Meanwhile, Afrinvest Plc in its comment stated that the decision to reduce the CRR to 20 percent will inject N771.4 billion additional liquidity into the interbank market.  Commenting on how the MPC decision will impact interbank liquidity and interest rates, the company stated, “The 200 basis points (bps) cut in MPR and introduction of an asymmetric corridor around the MPR at +200bps and -700bps is the most significant of the policy decisions reached today as this brings the Standing Lending Facility (SLF) and Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) rates to 13.0 percent and 4.0 percent from 15.0 percent and 11.0 percent respectively.
Prior to the MPC decision, there has been a regulatory maximum on the remunerable SDF placement by each bank at N7.5 billion. The MPC’s decision to complement this by a further 5.0 percent cut in CRR will add approximately N771.4 billion  to liquidity level based on October data from the CBN. ”
Afrinvest however noted that the increased liquidity will not immediately translate to increased lending by banks. It stated,” In the short term, we do not expect the ease in monetary policy to immediately translate to increase lending to the real sector, especially given the high risk retail/SME loans segment.
Structural bottlenecks, weak quality of infrastructure and the current slowdown in economic activities constitute high risk to real sector lending, which would require more adjustments by the fiscal authorities to de-risk the sector. However, with the restriction on all cheap income lines, we expect a significant medium term expansion in Credit to the private sector (currently at N19.1tn in October 2015 and up 6.8 percent Y-o-Y) by DMBs. This will necessitate banks to improve on their risk management framework to identify opportunities and earn a relatively higher margin (compared to the cheap rates in the fixed income market) and buoy assets turnover and shareholders’ return.”
Capital flight & Increased Inflation
Analysts at Afrinvest and FDC  believe that the MPC measures could lead to capital flight from Nigeria’s fixed income markets and also increased inflationary pressures. FDC analysts stated, “Already Nigerian Treasury bills are yielding less than 4 percent p.a, much lower than the inflation rate. As interest rates have been reduced, there may be capital flight from the Nigerian fixed income market, especially in light of the anticipated rate hike by the US Fed in December.
The growth in M2, which is -5 percent (annualised), gives some room for increasing money supply without stoking inflation. However, the refund of CRR and the lower MPR will definitely lead to increase in anticipated inflation.”  According to Afrinvest, “The relaxed monetary stance of the MPC after its last meeting for the year, though positive for stimulating short-term economic growth, may not come without negative implications for the economy in the medium term.
With the reduction in interest rate, Nigeria is likely to face increased capital flight consequences in the medium to long term, more so if the Fed raises its benchmark interest rate at its next meeting in December. “Equally, the spike in financial market liquidity resulting from the reduction in CRR to 20.0 percent as well as the expansionary 2016 fiscal year is expected to further trigger inflationary pressure.”


Recapitalisation: Acorn to raise N5bn via private placement

Acorn Petroleum Plc is set to raise N5 billion through private placement following an approval of the basis of allotment of its Rights Issue by the Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC. The company has during its last AGM obtained approval from its shareholders to raise additional equity by way of Rights to existing shareholders and placement with new investors.
In a statement, the company said that capital raising exercise represents a significant milestone in its re-capitalization process and that it has commenced the second phase of the capital raising exercise which will be a combination of Special/Private Placement to selected investors during which the company hopes to raise additional N5billion in new equity. The company hinted that approval was obtained at its last AGM from shareholders to raise additional equity by way of Rights to existing shareholders and placement with new investors.
Accordingly, the company said, “we will focus on the core downstream activities of distribution of petroleum products hence capital raised will be deployed towards corporate restructuring, working capital and investment in critical infrastructures like construction of storage depots at Lagos, Port Harcourt and Abuja airports, construction of a lubricants blending plant, expansion of its retail outlets chain, LPG Plants and the development of an ultra-modern oil terminal.”
As part of its strategic plans to give liquidity and exit options to shareholders, the company has commenced the process of listing its existing shares with NASD via listing by introduction and this is expected to be concluded in December 2015. Meanwhile, the company also debunked rumors about the reported sale of its assets by AMCON, “we do not have any assets encumbered by AMCON.
During 2013, we entered into an agreement with AMCON wherein one of our assets was sold to AMCON in full and final payment of indebtedness. “This asset was in turn leased back to the company for a period of time with an option to buy back if the company desires. So it is erroneous to report that the company asset was put up for sale when in actual fact the asset in question does not belong to the company and not carried in its books. The company is not in dispute with AMCON and the company has the right of first refusal to buy back the facility which the company may decide to exercise if it so desires,” the company said.



THE Federal Government has given the Standard Organisation of Nigeria, SON, the mandate of reducing the level of substandard goods in the country to 15 percent by the first quarter of next year, Director General of SON, Joseph Odumodu, has said.
Joseph-Odumodu, DG SON
DG SON, Joseph Odumodu
The SON boss also said that the organisation destroyed substandard goods worth N10 billion in the last four years.
Speaking during a courtesy visit to the National Association of Government Approved Freight Forwarders, NAGAFF, yesterday, Odumodu, said that the organisation is not only working hard to meet the target but is working at reducing sub-standard goods in the country to zero level as soon as possible.
The SON helmsman said that they are collaborating with all other sister agencies to ensure that government’s mandate of reducing sub-standard goods and ensuring compliance to import/export procedure by stakeholders is enforced.
He pointed out that SON would continue to destroy seized sub-standard goods until there is a new directive to that effect. On impounding of seized consignments outside the port, the SON boss said that they will continue doing that because they must meet up with government’s directive ensure reduction of sub-standard goods.
He said as long as businessman refuses to comply with the law of the land, SON will continue impound consignments outside the port based on intelligence, since they are no longer based at the port.
The Founder of NAGAFF, Boniface Aniebonam, urged freight forwarders and clearing agents to collaborate with SON to reduce sub-standard products in the country.
He said that seized containers should be checked and conveyed to SON base by the officials of the organisation instead of checking points.
“Enlightenment platforms and strategic processes can help in solving all the problems encountered during cargo importation as well as cargo clearance,” Aniebonam said.
He stressed the need for continued campaign to remind agents on the actual time for moving out cargo from ports.
President of NAGAFF, Eugene Nweke, who was represented by the Deputy National President in charge of headquarters, Adeyemi Oluwole, said SON is a critical link within the international trade supply value chain and that NAGAFF appreciates its enormous role in pursuant of product standards and quality conformity of importers.
Nweke said that there was need for harmonisation and coordination to enable his members blend with the era of e-commerce trade facilitation. He commended the organisation on the e-Product Registration and e-Provision Clearance Certificate platform.
“We wish to advise SON management to go further by creating a forum where our national officers and other members will be given proper training and sensitisation programme”.

CBN tasks banks, security agents, others on combating terrorist financing

THE Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele, yesterday, called on banking institutions, security agencies and other relevant stakeholders in the financial system to redouble their efforts towards combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (ML/TF).
File Photo: Gombe presidential rally Car-Bomb-Blast in 2014
File Photo: Gombe presidential rally Car-Bomb-Blast in 2014
Emefiele stated this at the Regional Workshop on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment For Financial Institutions, organized by the Inter-governmental Action Group Against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA), in Abuja.
“The effort at combating money laundering and terrorist financing is no doubt, a collective responsibility of the regulators, regulated entities, law enforcement agencies and other relevant stakeholders in the financial system,” he said. The governor noted that “money laundering and terrorist financing are twin menace, which all territories should continuously focus on in order to avert their debilitating effects on an economy.”
Citing Boko Haram , an Islamic terrorist group in Nigeria and some neighboring countries, CBN Boss explained that they “started as a small radical sect and festered due to ease of financing.
“A docile environment invariably disposes its financial system to money laundering/financing of terrorism activities. Products and services offered by financial institutions provide a veritable avenue for criminals to launder their funds and for terrorist financiers to move funds across various jurisdictions.”
Emefiele, represented by the Deputy Governor in charge of Financial Services and Regulations, Dr Joseph Nnana, said it is behold on the financial institutions to have thorough knowledge of their customers and their businesses.
Policies and procedures
Consequently, financial institutions are required to adopt policies and procedures that will mitigate the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing. The absence of these policies and procedures exposes financial institutions to reputational damages and regulatory sanctions. Financial institutions must therefore, identify, assess and understand ML/TF risks inherent in the nature of their customers, products and services; delivery channels and geographical locations and implement internal policies and procedures to mitigate the identified risks,” he said.
He disclosed that the Apex bank had developed a robust ML/TF Risk Assessment methodology in 2014, “to aid the identification of high risk financial institutions for immediate intervention and continuous monitoring.
In his opening remarks, the Director General of GIABA, Mr. Adama Coulibly, explained that the workshop was designed to equip financial sector operators across West African region “with the requisite technical capacity to undertake ML/TF risk assessment in line with the revised Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards / methodologies.”
Coulibly expressed confidence that “the exchange of thoughts and ideas in the course of programme will further deepen the implementation of preventive measures.”

Beyoncé Knowles, the popular American songstress and entrepreneur, in her song, 'Run the World', alluded that women do indeed run the world. As witnessed globally, women in the 21st century have indeed began to rule the world. As the global day of celebrating women entrepreneurs - Women's Entrepreneurship Day (WED) and the Women in Management, Business and Public Service (WIMBIZ) annual conference both wrapped up last week, Entrepreneurship+ decided to take a look at two female Nigerian entrepreneurs ruling the world all the way from the Diaspora.
Adiat Disu, Founder, Adirée and Africa Fashion Week New York
Adiat Disu, in 2009, launched Africa Fashion Week New York (AFWNY), after noticing an acute nonexistence of African designers at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week New York, to showcase Africa's booming fashion industry to the world, according to LadyBrille, a magazine that celebrates and spotlights women in business and leadership around the world.
Disu, who made the 2014 Forbes list of Youngest Power Women in Africa, a brand strategist, who is also founder of Adirée, a New York-based communication and brand strategy company, was once quoted in a BlackEnterprise interview that her company has "taken exclusive brands from Africa and placed them on nationally esteemed and recognisable stages," adding that "through partnerships, quality productions, digital/social campaigns, and media placements Adirée is establishing the way consumers should view products from Africa (i.e. Made in Angola, Made in Zimbabwe, or Made in Nigeria)."
The AFWNY, industry watchers say is one of the biggest fashion events focusing on African fashion outside of Africa.
Africa-America Institute was once quoted by Brand Power, a Nigerian digital magazine as saying that Disu's Africa Fashion Week attracts more than 1,500 industry insiders, while the former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, was said to have admitted that the event promoted tourism to New York with 70 per cent of designers coming directly from Africa.
She is a lawyer, a journalist, a publisher and ultimately, an entrepreneur. In 2007, Uduak Oduok founded Ladybrille, a digital magazine that celebrates and spotlights women in business and leadership across the globe.
After years of struggling with how to fully express her African identity and the challenges she experienced as a girl child growing up in Nigeria, according to her unofficial bio she penned herself, she launched a blog that captured her passion for the law, her dual identity as an African and American, her love for the creative arts, while also advocating for issues dear to her heart - the de-marginalization of the African woman and girl child.
In 2011, was born. In 2014, at the Social Media Week, Oduok, in a chat with Adeola Kayode, told young entrepreneurs that: "know your values and don't compromise them, trust that you can do it, believe in yourself and go for it."

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