Tuesday 31 May 2016

World’s biggest cruise ship worth a whopping $1bn arrives in Britain (photos)

The largest cruise ship in the world – measuring more than four football pitches in length with a maximum capacity for 6,780 passengers – has docked in Southampton for final preparations before its maiden voyage. A small crowd of well-wishers, welcomed the £800million Harmony of the Seas as it arrived just after dawn today.
Tens of thousands of people are expected to visit the coastal city this week to catch a glimpse of the gigantic vessel before it carries paying customers for the first time. After sailing from a shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, France, and spending the day yesterday cruising the English Channel, Harmony of the Seas sailed up Southampton Water and arrived at Southampton shortly after 6:15am.
It will depart on a short cruise on Sunday – a four-day taster voyage to Rotterdam, in the Netherlands – and on 29 May will make its maiden voyage to Barcelona, where it will be based for 34 seven-night tours of the western Mediterranean this summer. It will sail between Florida and the Caribbean this winter. Royal Caribbean International’s 18-deck ship has set new records for length (1,1188ft), gross tonnage (227,000), width (215.5ft), passenger capacity (5,479 at double occupancy or a maximum of 6,780) and staterooms (2,747).
With a crew of 2,100 from 77 countries, the floating city boasts seven ‘neighbourhoods’, a 10-storey slide that is the tallest at sea, 23 swimming pools, 20 dining venues, 52 trees, surf simulators, robot bartenders, a casino and climbing walls.
See the photos below…


I lost my wife, son, money to pro-democracy struggle — Prof. Banjo

How did you get involved in the armed struggle for Nigeria’s democracy?
I am an academician. But a lot of people make mistakes; they think academicians are people who just stay in their laboratories. I am a scientist, we feel everything they do and we are conscious of what is going on in our country.
As young chaps in the university, we all had ambition. Mine was to be a medical doctor and scientist. But I was politically conscious because I attended Ibadan Grammar School which was in the seat of (Chief Obafemi) Awolowo’s government. Thus, we saw everything and were aware of everything. I was aware of the arrest of about 31 members of the Action Group.  I was aware of the “Operation wetie” and all the fight with the Yoruba. It was at that time that I thought that one day, we might have to fight the northerners who the British government handed power to. I believe in one Nigeria because I realise that the greater a nation is, the more powerful. Small nations have no power; they have to align themselves with bigger countries to be powerful. And that is why in those days, the Western powers decided that Africa must not be developed. In the 60’s when African nations were clamouring for independence, the West made a declaration that Asia and African nations would remain raw-material producing countries and receptors of finished products. But China developed. India, Pakistan, Malaysia have all developed. So only Africa has failed to develop. Nigeria is the key to African development. If Nigeria develops, Africa develops.
 I was aware of all these. I also attended Oxford University where I learnt about British manoeuvring, their foreign policies towards Africa. I was the first Nigerian to get in the Elite Class of 14 in medical school.
Then came June 12, 1993 when the freest and fairest election held in Nigeria was won by Chif MKO Abiola . The election was later annulled. But before this, my friends in America had told me that Abiola would not be allowed to be the president. I asked why and they explained that though he won the election, the Hausa Fulani rule would continue. I told them that things had changed but they insisted that the election would be annulled. And true to what they said, the election was annulled. And there was no good reason given. It was only that the neo-colonialists never wanted a Westerner to be at the helms of affair. They wanted a continuation of the Hausa Fulani feudal rule which is similar to neo-colonialism.  Feudalism does not want the people to develop and neo-colonialism does not want countries to develop.
And in 1993, people were agitating and there were protests as people rose up in the South. Then one day, I was Ojuelegba in Lagos, people were protesting and the people were stoning the soldiers. Suddenly, the soldiers opened fire on the protesters and people fell. The soldiers stood afar giggling and pointing at the people who were on the ground bleeding dying and dead. Of course, I too went flat on the ground because that was the way to avoid gunshots.
And I thought in my mind, these people were shooting human beings and were laughing as if they were shooting games. I was terribly disturbed by that incident. Then I made a determination to fight. I realised that talking would not remove Abacha; we had to fight him with weapons. I asked myself the question, ‘will all these soldiers still continue to laugh if they were faced with weapons? And will they still continue to fight?’ From time immemorial, when people are faced with death, they ask themselves, what am I dying for?
I told myself that 90 per cent of these people shooting unarmed people down will run if faced by an armed group with equal or superior weapons. I doubt they did it because is Abacha worth dying for?
After this, I returned to the States where I was teaching and doing research. Around the early part of 1994, at a conference about writing-off the loans of poor countries, every one was leading for theirs to be written off, a certain man who turned out to be an adviser to President Bill Clinton on economy stood up and said if all loans were to be forgiven, Nigeria’s should not because Nigeria’s money was outside and only one Nigerian could pay off their country’s debt. As this was going on, I argued that still it was a debt that could be written off. But the man said that Nigeria was so rich and that her problem was her ruling class which should be changed.  And that if she did that, she might not even have to owe again because she was a very rich country. Then one fellow, a northerner, stood up and said, ‘We have ruled Nigeria since independence when the British that saw the rulership in us handed over to us. And we will continue to rule Nigeria because we are born to rule and to hand over to the South is to commit suicide.’ He said it with glee. I sat there boiling.
I got home that night and could not sleep. I then reviewed the history of Nigeria from 1914 till that time.
There and then, I decided that something drastic must be done. I decided that I was going to organise an armed struggle.
What did you do after?
I abandoned my research. I started buying and reading books about dictators, revolution and guerrilla warfare. I read so many books about arms struggle; various types of armed struggle: urban, guerrilla, and jungle; about Hitler and Genaral Franco. I knew Idi Amin personally. I also read about South American countries that were poor as ours. I studied all them and I noticed something common in all of them.
What is that?
It is the insatiable lust for power. One of the members of our organisation worked in the Aso Rock. He sat at every meeting and he told us a lot of things which could not be relayed. I read about the human psychology of arm struggle and  how to sell arm struggle. I also read about weapons and came to the conclusion that the best weapon for guerrilla warfare is the Russian AK47 assault rifle. You can drop it in a mud, pick it up and it will still fire. It is very easy to dismantle and reassemble. You don’t need to clean it as often as you must clean others. Another good gun is the Israeli uzi. These were the ones I chose and of course the berretta as handgun.
Also, I raised some money because I knew we needed money.
How much did you raise?
I raised about $60m. Some of it was mine. In fact, a major part of it was my life savings. Let’s look at it this way. To arm one guerrilla soldier adequately, one needs at least $10,000. He must have a gun, a pistol, bullet proof vest, bushdators, steel reinforced boots, a small camp pack. And since you are not going to buy these things officially, you buy in the black market which would be more expensive. I planned an army of 3,000 which is like $30m. Then, logistics, medicines, anti-snake venom serum, dressing, transport, communication equipment at least within the range of 10 miles and so on.
How did you raise this fund? Did you have external collaborators, and so on?
I never raised a kobo from Nigeria. I won’t be able to tell you in details how I raised the money. But some of it was my own money.
You can see the enormous money one had to spend. And I needed an army of about 3,000 people. I could not do it alone so, I had to inform some people. They were Yoruba. I needed a core group which could be only about 50 to 100 people. When you look at it, Fidel Catro started with 90 people but they were betrayed. Only seven of them escaped. They included Fidel, his brother who is now ruling, Raul; Che Guevara and a few others. In Uganda, it was started by five people, three of them died leaving Musseveni and another person. So you don’t need a high number of people to start. I planned to only get 50 highly trained and bring them to Nigeria to train others. We were fighting for the people so we didn’t have to kill them; we only needed to fight and kill those working for Abacha. We knew we had to fight the army but in a guerrilla warfare in that type of sceme, you hit and run away.
What now happened?
I had got 25 people. Surprisingly, the people I had recruited dropped out one after the other remaining three of us: a doctor friend of mine, my wife and I. It was the three of us that underwent the intense training by ex-American GIs I hired at a training camp I rented.
How old were you then?
I think I was 55 years old then.
Where did you recruit your people from?
We were all Yoruba living in the US. We were all discussing Abacha together and contemplating the arm struggle.
The fact that I had a family history helped me to raise funds. Many of them knew my late brother, the late Col. Victor Banjo. They were quizzical about the intention of some Nigerians who had come to raise money for that purpose and spent it on something else. In fact, I knew one who after raising funds to raise an arm struggle used the money to buy a house and a Rolls-Royce.
If this had not been so, I would have raised more.
How many people did you eventually raise?
I planned to raise funds to arm 3,000 but at the end of the day, the money I raised was able to arm more than that number. In fact, there was an organisation that eventually got through to me. After talks with them, they were able to supply arms that could arm half a million people.
How did you get to know this organisation?
I was in my lab one day when the phone rang and on picking up the receiver, a voice asked if I was Dr. Banjo. I answered in the affirmative. He now said, ‘we know what you are doing.’ I quickly dropped the receiver. He called back and assured me of the confidentiality of our discussion. He said if I was interested, I should come to a train station dressed in red. Exactly midday on the appointed day, I was there. A man got in touch with me and after some manuouvering, took me to a car which took me to their office. But I had a hood over my head.
At their office, I was informed that they were an oil company with interests in many other things. To cut a long story, short after offering to help my course, i asked what they wanted. Their simple answer was oil. They said if I eventually won, I would sell Nigerian oil to them. I told them that it was sold in an open market. But they said, no, that our oil was sold to some particular countries and people. It was the first time I got to know that oil was not just sold anyhow. I agreed.
What were your terms?
They introduced someone to me and asked me to draw a list. I thought I was having fun with them so I drew a list which contained all sorts of things like tanks, fighter helicopters, 5000 AKs or similar categories, 2,000 berretta, 3,000 uzis, armoured vehicles, Surface to Air Missiles and all sorts.  I was just having fun. But do you know they got them?
How did you take delivery?
No, I did not take delivery. But the ship got to the high seas in Lagos. I was taken to the ship in a motor boat. And I was shocked. Twenty tanks, five helicopter gunboats and when I saw the racks of guns I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Was that the shipment that was seized?
No, it was not. It was the one I routed through Cotonou, Republic of Benin that was seized. Thirty people came with the ship to train us. I was glad and a little scared. But I was arrested shortly after.
What became of the shipment?
When I was arrested, two of them came to the Cotonou prison to see me. I told them to wait for two weeks that I would soon be out.
However, when I realised that I was not going to be released as I thought, I sent word to Yoruba leaders to send some of our retired generals to come and see me in prison. I wanted to introduce them to these people so that they could take delivery of the consignment. Nobody came. After six weeks, they had to leave.
How were you captured?
I should not have come forward. I should have sent somebody else. My principle is that what I can’t do, I can’t send others.
What were the things inside the shipment that was seized?
A lot of things were there. They even included a bullet manufacturing machine. It could produce bullets for four types of guns: AK47, SKS, berretta pistol 9mm and double or single barrel shot guns. I also bought raw materials that could produce up to 500,000 bullets and 5,000 boxes of bullets, jungle camouflage, bulletproof vests, and ballistic helmets apart from guns.
How were you discovered?
It was the shipping company that sort of slowed us down. I routed it through Cotonou sea port.
Ordinarily they were not supposed to open the trailer that carried these arms, I paid N1.5m as bribe. On the day of the delivery, the agent of the sgipping company, a Denmark firm, said Nigerians didn’t usually return containers and that I should pay $5,000 for the container since it was a special one. I would have paid him but for the short time notice. So, I decided to get a trailer and offload the consignment into it. We got some dock workers and we started offloading. Unfortunately, unknown to us, one of the persons hired to join us was a security agent for the Republic of Benin. While offloading, he found the stock of a gun and he alerted the port’s security. It was not the gun itself but the stock. I bought some stock so that it could be folded and put under agbada. I didn’t know how he passed across the information to the Beninese Ports Authority. Suddenly, they pounced on us and seized the container. But I left when they seized the container. I should not have come back. I should have asked somebody else to come back.
Why did you come back?
I allowed myself to be persuaded that if they saw me, the commander would release the consignment. And he wanted to but for their president who insisted that I must not be released. We were not taken into custody until later in the evening. The thing happened in the morning. And I went away after. I told them I was coming back. That was my greatest undoing. Being a guerrilla leader entails a lot of responsibilities and if anything happens to him, that is the end of the struggle. That was the mistake I made. I allowed myself to be captured. But when they were offloading in the night, they found so many other things.
They had an executive meeting which before he left (head of the ports) to attend, he was hopeful for our release. But when he came back, he was looking gloomy. He said every other person voted that we should be released but President Sogolo (President of the Republic of Benin) insisted that we should be detained.
Why did he (Sogolo) do that?
We did not know. It was later that we learnt that President Sogolo allegedly received $100m from Abacha. Our existence was initially denied for 10 days. Then, we were taken to prison. And the torture started.
Were you tortured?
You think they didn’t torture us? I was tortured. I was beaten mercilessly and all sorts of unprintable things were done to us. Finally, they took me to Wida to kill me. Come and look at this. (He showed the correspondent a detailed diagram of the Wida Prisons and where he was kept).
What is the significance of the cell?
The cell was specially built for me. There was only a wall between my room and the huge prison septic tank. Faeces, fluid, maggots seeped through and covered everywhere. They pushed me there. Immediately, they pushed me in that night, I was stepping on maggots – millions of them. What a significant and ingenious way to kill a person!  There was no window, only some small slates. The gas that came in displaced the oxygen; hence there was no oxygen but putrid gas in the cell.
They pushed me into the place at night and within minutes I was losing consciousness. I was breathing but I realised that there was no air and that I was only breathing in putrefying gases. I quickly went to the slits, I pushed in my nose and took some six puffs and my head cleared. Then I knew I would live. They pushed me there every night for four and a half months. And for those four and a half months, I never slept in the night.
When the guards came back the following morning of my first night there, as they opened the door one of the three pulled his gun and wanted to shoot me. I quickly cried out that I was not a ghost. They could not believe that I could still be alive.
He told his fellows that, ‘this man was supposed to die overnight.’ They knew they had brought me there to die. And it was true, if I had not discovered those slits, I would have died. It was a gas chamber. I would have suffocated.
They would push me there at 7pm and open the door at 7am every day for four and a half months.
Did you suffer any health issue while you were there?
Yes, I did. I had a stroke when I was there. I was rightist (right handed). Now, I write with my left hand. I am one of those lucky few who have bilateral cerebral dominance ; that both hemispheres of my brain can perform. If one goes, the other can take up its functions. I was unable to speak at first but now I can speak. My right hand shakes.
For how long were you detained?
We were detained for 14 months.
Were you tried?
Yes, we were tried thrice and freed but we were not released. But before our eventual released, we tried a number of escapes.
How many times did you try to escape?
I planned about 12 escapes.
Within those 14 months?
Yes. One was almost successful until we were betrayed at the last moment.  I had a Swiss Army knife that had 28 functions, two of which was to cut steel and wood. I cut the iron in our cell, cut the wood and got to the wall that had broken glasses over it. We had to use our mattress and cardboard to cover the broken bottles on the 10-feet wall.  My wife was on the wall and as I was passing our stuffs to her, some people raised the alarm outside and we had to quickly jump back. We heard shootings. They eventually discovered that it was us as our mattress was still on top of the fence.
How many of you were offloading and how many of you were arrested?
We were many but I claimed responsibility. So they asked the others to go.
How come your wife was with you in prison?
She was also asked to go but she refused. She wrote a statement and implicated herself. She didn’t want me to be there alone.
Were you sharing the same room?
No. She was in the female section and I in the male. Did you know that in the prison, our meal was a cup of garri per day? Yes, only garri with nothing else. We would soak it in the morning, take some and finish the rest in the evening. That was what we took for 14 months.
Was that what they were giving other prisoners?
Yes, but they allowed their relatives to bring them food. As we had nobody to bring us food, we were stuck with the garri.
Do you have children?
Yes, I have children
How old were they then and where were they?
I have a daughter who was already a medical doctor then. My first son died in 1994.
Was it during the struggle?
Was he also involved in the arm struggle?
Yes. He died of bullet wounds during training. It was a shooting accident. A gun went off in his hands and he was mortally wounded.
How many of you were trained?
We had a system of training. The system adopted was this. We trained the first 10. Each of those 10 would also train 10 other people each. As so it would go on. In that way, if there was a betrayal, you could only betray the 10 people you trained with.
Did your son train with you?
Yes, he trained with us.
How did your wife take it?
The person I call my wife now is not my first wife. She is my second wife. She became my wife later. She was a member of my team. It was in prison that we signed ourselves as husband and wife.  My first wife was the mother of the boy that died. She did not train with us because she never believed in the struggle.
Where is she now?
She is dead. She died when Abacha was hunting them. They had to run. I couldn’t see them. I had sent all of them abroad. She died in America.
But my son died here in Nigeria. I was the one training him and others because I had been highly trained.
How would you quantify your loss to the struggle?
I lost everything. I lost my money. I lost my health. I lost all.
When were you released eventually?
I was released after 14 months.

South-East burns as Biafra Day turns bloody

In the commercial city of Onitsha, our reporters quoted eye witnesses as saying that about 40 people, including a soldier, were killed, while over 50 were arrested. The incident, according to eye witnesses, started at about 3 a.m. when security forces entered the premises of St. Edmund’s Catholic Church, Nkpor Agu, near Onitsha and allegedly opened fire on the worshippers, accusing them of being Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, members, during which five were killed, while 10 others were injured. The source further stated at 8 a.m., the security forces, who patrolled all nooks and crannies of Onitsha, Nkpor, Ogidi and environs, allegedly swooped on another batch of suspected IPOB members, where about 20 were allegedly killed and scores injured. At about 11 a.m, the patrol team allegedly killed another 15, thus bringing the total casualty rate to about 40. However, the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, said it was not involved in the protest that paralyzed commercial activities in the area.
It was alleged that at 6 a.m, members of IPOB took to the streets, some naked, and were confronted by soldiers of the 312 Artillery Brigade, an action that allegedly led to scores of people losing their lives. The pro-Biafra groups blocked most major streets in Onitsha and Niger Bridge head, which made most people to remain indoors. All markets in Onitsha were also closed. Most of the killings were done at Nkpor, a suburb of Onitsha, where IPOB had chosen to celebrate Biafra Day. Two killed at Niger Bridge head According to Area Administrator of Nnewi Region of IPOB, Mr Sonny Chukwuebuka, two of IPOB members met their untimely death at the Niger Bridge Head as they were coming from Asaba, Delta State capital, with others to join their Anambra State counterparts in the celebration. They were said to have ran into soldiers, who denied them passage into Onitsha and in the process, a heated argument was said to have ensued. Vanguard learned that this later resulted in a bloody clash and consequently, a policeman was killed, while a soldier was stabbed. MASSOB not involved MASSOB leader, Mr. Uchenna Madu, said in a telephone interview that his organization was not involved in the protest, explaining that he had earlier issued a statement that this year’s Biafra Day should be celebrated quietly and that all MASSOB members should stay at home. Madu said though MASSOB was not involved in the protest, it was not enough reason for securitymen to open fire on innocent people. He said: “Security operatives of the Federal Government are arresting and killing people who are non-violent. Is it because we are not armed? It appears the only language the Nigerian security understands is violence. “This issue is not about MASSOB or IPOB. It is about Ndigbo generally. In the ongoing killings, innocent people were also targets.” IPOB protest illegal —Anambra govt In its reaction, Anambra State government said the protest by IPOB, in Onitsha was illegal, noting that the group did not obtain the necessary police permit for the rally. In an announcement shortly after the Onitsha incident, government, through the state Commissioner for Information and Communications Strategy, Ogbuefi Tony Nnacheta, said: “The attention of Anambra State government has been drawn to illegal demonstration by a group of individuals causing anxiety at Nkpor/Onitsha axis of the state. The law enforcement agencies are on top of the situation and are currently working to restore normalcy and free movement for all law-abiding citizens. “Ndi Anambra are, hereby, advised to remain calm and vigilant and go about their lawful businesses. All should note that there are laws against disturbance of public peace.”

Read more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/05/646391/
It was alleged that at 6 a.m, members of IPOB took to the streets, some naked, and were confronted by soldiers of the 312 Artillery Brigade, an action that allegedly led to scores of people losing their lives. The pro-Biafra groups blocked most major streets in Onitsha and Niger Bridge head, which made most people to remain indoors. All markets in Onitsha were also closed. Most of the killings were done at Nkpor, a suburb of Onitsha, where IPOB had chosen to celebrate Biafra Day. Two killed at Niger Bridge head According to Area Administrator of Nnewi Region of IPOB, Mr Sonny Chukwuebuka, two of IPOB members met their untimely death at the Niger Bridge Head as they were coming from Asaba, Delta State capital, with others to join their Anambra State counterparts in the celebration. They were said to have ran into soldiers, who denied them passage into Onitsha and in the process, a heated argument was said to have ensued. Vanguard learned that this later resulted in a bloody clash and consequently, a policeman was killed, while a soldier was stabbed. MASSOB not involved MASSOB leader, Mr. Uchenna Madu, said in a telephone interview that his organization was not involved in the protest, explaining that he had earlier issued a statement that this year’s Biafra Day should be celebrated quietly and that all MASSOB members should stay at home. Madu said though MASSOB was not involved in the protest, it was not enough reason for securitymen to open fire on innocent people. He said: “Security operatives of the Federal Government are arresting and killing people who are non-violent. Is it because we are not armed? It appears the only language the Nigerian security understands is violence. “This issue is not about MASSOB or IPOB. It is about Ndigbo generally. In the ongoing killings, innocent people were also targets.” IPOB protest illegal —Anambra govt In its reaction, Anambra State government said the protest by IPOB, in Onitsha was illegal, noting that the group did not obtain the necessary police permit for the rally. In an announcement shortly after the Onitsha incident, government, through the state Commissioner for Information and Communications Strategy, Ogbuefi Tony Nnacheta, said: “The attention of Anambra State government has been drawn to illegal demonstration by a group of individuals causing anxiety at Nkpor/Onitsha axis of the state. The law enforcement agencies are on top of the situation and are currently working to restore normalcy and free movement for all law-abiding citizens. “Ndi Anambra are, hereby, advised to remain calm and vigilant and go about their lawful businesses. All should note that there are laws against disturbance of public peace.”

Read more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/05/646391/

It was alleged that at 6 a.m, members of IPOB took to the streets, some naked, and were confronted by soldiers of the 312 Artillery Brigade, an action that allegedly led to scores of people losing their lives. The pro-Biafra groups blocked most major streets in Onitsha and Niger Bridge head, which made most people to remain indoors. All markets in Onitsha were also closed. Most of the killings were done at Nkpor, a suburb of Onitsha, where IPOB had chosen to celebrate Biafra Day. Two killed at Niger Bridge head According to Area Administrator of Nnewi Region of IPOB, Mr Sonny Chukwuebuka, two of IPOB members met their untimely death at the Niger Bridge Head as they were coming from Asaba, Delta State capital, with others to join their Anambra State counterparts in the celebration. They were said to have ran into soldiers, who denied them passage into Onitsha and in the process, a heated argument was said to have ensued. BWG learned that this later resulted in a bloody clash and consequently, a policeman was killed, while a soldier was stabbed. MASSOB not involved MASSOB leader, Mr. Uchenna Madu, said in a telephone interview that his organization was not involved in the protest, explaining that he had earlier issued a statement that this year’s Biafra Day should be celebrated quietly and that all MASSOB members should stay at home. Madu said though MASSOB was not involved in the protest, it was not enough reason for securitymen to open fire on innocent people. He said: “Security operatives of the Federal Government are arresting and killing people who are non-violent. Is it because we are not armed? It appears the only language the Nigerian security understands is violence. “This issue is not about MASSOB or IPOB. It is about Ndigbo generally. In the ongoing killings, innocent people were also targets.” IPOB protest illegal —Anambra govt In its reaction, Anambra State government said the protest by IPOB, in Onitsha was illegal, noting that the group did not obtain the necessary police permit for the rally. In an announcement shortly after the Onitsha incident, government, through the state Commissioner for Information and Communications Strategy, Ogbuefi Tony Nnacheta, said: “The attention of Anambra State government has been drawn to illegal demonstration by a group of individuals causing anxiety at Nkpor/Onitsha axis of the state. The law enforcement agencies are on top of the situation and are currently working to restore normalcy and free movement for all law-abiding citizens. “Ndi Anambra are, hereby, advised to remain calm and vigilant and go about their lawful businesses. All should note that there are laws against disturbance of public peace.”

By Emeka Mamah, Jimitota Onoyume,Vincent Ujumadu, Chidi Nkwopara, Anayo Okoli, Peter Okutu, Nwabueze Okonkwo, Francis Igata, Chimaobi Nwaiwu, Cyril Ozor & Chinedu Adonu Awka— Biafra Day anniversary celebration turned bloody, yesterday, in South-East states as soldiers and policemen clashed with pro-Biafra groups.

Read more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/05/646391/
By Emeka Mamah, Jimitota Onoyume,Vincent Ujumadu, Chidi Nkwopara, Anayo Okoli, Peter Okutu, Nwabueze Okonkwo, Francis Igata, Chimaobi Nwaiwu, Cyril Ozor & Chinedu Adonu Awka— Biafra Day anniversary celebration turned bloody, yesterday, in South-East states as soldiers and policemen clashed with pro-Biafra groups.

Read more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/05/646391/

Mother gives birth to triplets so identical the odds are 200 million-to-one

After spending six weeks in intensive care, little Roman, Rocco and Rohan look so similar one can not tell them apart.The odds of having identical triplets is an incredible 200 million to one.
Fortunately for their 23-year-old mother, tell-tale features plus the ten-month-old triplets’ emerging personalities mean she for one has no trouble telling them apart.
‘When they were newborns it was quite hard to tell which one was which, but I never got them mixed up myself,’‘They’ve all got dark birthmarks between their eyebrows, but Roman’s is slightly darker than the others’, and Rohan has got a birthmark on his leg as well.
According to the Multiple Births Foundation, the only way to establish for certain whether twins or triplets are identical – known as zygosity determination – is usually DNA testing.
After consulting them, Miss Allen took cheek swabs from Roman, Rocco and Rohan and sent them off to a laboratory to be analysed – and earlier this month received the news that they are genetically identical.
I was surprised because I expected them to be non-identical,’ she said. ‘But then I’m normally the only one who can tell them apart, so that does explain a lot!
The triplets get through around 130 nappies a week between them and four packs of baby wipes, while a pack of formula lasts about two days and the washing machine is run around three times a day.
As their father, Liam Tierney, 28, does not live with her, much of the day to day help comes from her sister Lauren, 17.

Monday 16 May 2016

SPELL IT (Mark Angel Comedy)

No be small thing o


This Kids In Mark Angel Comedy will crack your ribs

Rihanna- Work ft Drake (African Remix)

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Girl Born With No Hands Awarded With Penmanship Award

How Great Is Our God!


Look How Awful Is This Man Action



Cool!!! Tiwa Savage and Davido pose with their kids

Tiwa Savage and son,Jamil attended Davido’s daughter, Imade’s first birthday party yesterday …So cute. Though, she looks very happy after much marital fracas and stress
What a Wonderfull family!

Britain’s Got Talent viewers in shock after contestant claims she’s 15

A Britain’s Got Talent contestant left fans flabbergasted after learning she was just 15.Aspiring singer, Morgan Smith blew the judges and audience away with her incredible rendition of Rather Go Blind by Etta James.However, those tuning in at home were more concerned with her age as opposed to her vocal abilities..
Despite the reaction online, Morgan secured her palace in the next round of the competition during tonight’s show

N5,000 monthly payment to 1million Nigerians to begin in a matter of weeks

To pacify Nigerians over the increase in the price of premium motor spirit to N145 a litre, the Muhammadu Buhari administration has rolled out palliative measures running into half a trillion naira.This disclosure was made last night by the Senior Special Assistant for Media & Publicity to the President, Mr. Laolu Akande, in an interaction with the press in Abuja.
Akande who works from the Office of the Vice President said

“Long before now the Presidency has made adequate arrangements in the 2016 budget to ensure that Nigerians are lifted from poverty and hardship,” the spokesperson stated.
Over eight million Nigerians will benefit from the programmes scheduled to begin in a matter of weeks.
-5.5 million school children to be fed for 200 school days in first phase of homegrown school feeding programme
-Over 1.6 million Nigerian traders, market women, men, artisans to receive loans.
-1 million extremely poor and vulnerable Nigerians to receive N60,000 this year in 12 months payments of N5000 each.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

World’s best boss… Billionaire spends £5.5 million to take 2,500 workers on holiday(Photos)

Staff at a Chinese mail order firm are enjoying a holiday in Spain , thanks to their boss, Li Jinyuan, the billionaire owner of direct-sales firm Tiens Group.
The treat for 2,500 workers cost him £5.5 million as he chartered 20 planes and four high speed trains, as well as booking 1,500 hotel rooms, The Guardian reports.
Their trip, which included visits to Madrid and Barcelona.
Last year, Li who is China’s 33rd richest person sent more than 6,400 workers on a trip to France in what was believed to be the country’s largest ever tour group.
That entailed booking 140 hotels in Paris and over 4,700 rooms in Cannes and Monaco.
Even that pales into insignificance compared with the holiday given to 12,700 workers at Infinitus China, who were sent to Thailand and feasted at a number of ban

Chinedu Ikedieze During His NYSC Year 2002-2003

Photo of Nollywood actor Chinedu Ikedieze popularly known as Aki when he was a corper has surfaced online.
He is said to have served between 2002-2003. Photo Below

Monday 9 May 2016

"I have come to the conclusion that most men of today are the weaker sex" - Charly Boy

Charly Boy took to his Facebook page today to write about how he thinks most men of today are the weaker sex and can't control themselves emotionally. How men need women more and if not for 'money or sperm', women really have no need for men. What he wrote below..
'From my marriage counselling experience, I have come to the conclusion that most men of today are the weaker sex, at least emotionally. How many of us can control our emotions that we resort to using our wives as punching bags, abusing alcohol, or other methods of lashing out because we are not emotionally strong enough to hold our cool.
A lot of us can't keep up with both working a full time job and managing a household, raising children to the extent that women do everyday. I know some of you would say, that's not a man's department.
I have come to the conclusion that we need women more than the women need us. If not for our money or our sperm, women really have no real need for us.
Men are big babies because they always want everything to be about them and the women know this and know how to massage/manipulate our ego.
Most men can't really control their sexual urge, that's why some of us can have sex even with our housemaids or anything in skirts.
Male death rates are greater than comparable to female rates for almost all major causes of death. Men die younger from heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic lung diseases, infections. Men are also much more likely to commit suicide than women and have a greater chance of being murdered or dying in an accident.
Abegi, this is just my take. How Una see this matter, because heavy wahala dey ground o!!!!!'

Photos: Jealous husband poured acid on his wife, claims he found out she was HIV positive

Justine Aisha Kyomugisha died of her injuries  at Mulago hospital late last month, after her husband of eight years, Imran Kaliisa poured acid on her. She left behind a seven-year-old daughter. He has been on the run since then until his arrest recently.
According to The  Kampala Sun, on the night of January 7, 2016, a domestic quarrel descended into horror when 27-year-old  Kaliisa doused his wife, a Container Village-based second hand shoe trader, with acid.
The couple shared a home in Mankindye, Barracks Zone for eight years. Kyomugisha's relatives say the couple had been having a long standing feud but they remained supportive nonetheless. However, things took a bad turn when Kaliisa started working in Rwanda six years ago and left his wife.
"At times he would return and spend just a day and go back, sometimes leaving her with nothing," they say.
Her family came to her rescue and helped to set up a second hand shoe business in Coontainer Village so she could take care of herself. To Kaliisa, this was the start of the troubles. He tried to dissuade her from working and urged her to hire an attendant.
Meantime a determined Kyomugisha worked hard and grew her business, expanding to Park Yard and St. Balikuddembe market.

Kaliisa reportedly got tipped off by friends that his wife had another man thus his decision to return to Kampala to monitor her. He started working in Kikuubo last December.

Kaliisa put strict conditions for his wife among which was never to return home late. On that fateful day, Kyomugisha returned home late and Kaliisa accused her of having been out with men.

Zamu Nalumansi, a neighbour to the couple, says on the fateful day the couple got into a fight. Kyomugisha fled to her house for refuge, with her terrified daughter in tow.
As Kyomugisha narrated to her what had happened Kaliisa came in hot pursuit and asked her if she had chosen to flee to her neighbour instead of her parents. He then ordered her to go back to the house and pack all her things and leave.

Unknown to them Kaliisa, like a crafty hunter, was luring his wife to hell. A few steps out of the neighbour's house, with her little girl in tow, Kaliisa, armed with a cup, sneaked up behind and emptied its contents in her face.

As it turned out he had just burnt his wife with acid, some of which splashed onto the little girl's back.

Nalumansi responded to calls for help as her friend screamed in anguish: "Help me 'Taata Shamim' has burnt me with acid!"

Nalumansi too sustained minor burns as drops of acid splashed off Kyomugisha's face.

Police suspect Kaliisa had for long planned the attack and that the acid had been procured and kept nearby.

The criminal investigations boss Katwe police, Benon Ayebare, said a manhunt  was ongoing for Kaliisa who fled after the attack.

Edna Ayitamya, a sister to Kyomugisha cried out, saying it wouldn't be Kaliisa to carry out such a cowardly act after he abandoned his wife and they looked after her and his daughter.

Kaliisa was arrested days ago from areas of Bunyoro after four months on the run. He confessed to the heinous act. He told the Police at Katwe that he always grilled his wife about the numerous phone calls she received at awkward hours of the night, strongly suspecting they were from lovers. She always told him they were only business colleagues. Bothered by the trend, Kaliisa started rummaging threw her belongings to find ‘evidence’ of infidelity.
It was during one of such ‘fishing expeditions’ that he found an HIV status card showing she was positive. All hell broke loose. Kaliisa says when he confronted his wife she denied having knowledge of what he was alleging. Out of anger he resolved to punish her in a manner she would never forget, and set about his evil plan that he executed on the fateful night.

After 9 years Of Marriage Actor Kenneth Okonkwo & Wife Welcome First Baby

It was celebration galore in the family of Nollywood first actor, Kenneth Okonkwo as his pretty wife Ifeoma delivered a baby boy at The University of Maryland, St. Joseph Medical Center, USA on the 6th of May, 2016, after almost 9 years of marriage.
Talking to Diamond Celebrities, the hardworking actor said in his own words, “God is a faithful God. He said we shall be fruitful and multiply, that there shall be none barren in our midst and He just fulfilled His words. To Him be all the glory in Jesus name”.

He thanked all those who stood by them and offered prayers to God on their behalf.
We join the family of Kenneth Okonkwo and other well wishers in welcoming the new baby and pray God’s blessings upon his life.

Meet the pregnant woman who can’t stop eating soap

A Mum-to-be has developed a bizzare pregnancy craving for soap. Jess Gayford who is nearly eight months’ pregnant with her second child, started with bars then moved on to liquid soap.
 She now gets through up to two bottles a week.
She told Mirrior Uk
 “It came out of nowhere. I wanted to lick a bar of Dove soap. I went to buy a bar and started licking it. It sounds disgusting but it’s really nice.”“In my first pregnancy I wanted to eat baked beans and cheese but nothing weird.”
Her husband, Lee was worried at first but they have been told it won’t harm their unborn daughter.
The condition pica, which mainly affects children and pregnant women, causes people to eat non-food items such as sand, ice or paint.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Celebs without endorsement deals

Nothing defines the big league in Nigeria’s competitive entertainment industry as a mouth-watering endorsement deal a celebrity is offered.
To many of them, this is what sets them apart from the entire lot making them live large and live up to that celeb status.
There is no doubt that endorsement deals would feature prominently in the daily prayers of Nigeria’s celebrities. But then, the benevolence of the ‘god of endorsements’ has favoured few than others.
Few days ago, the news broke that Nollywood actress, Eniola Badmus, had hooked an endorsement deal with Etisalat, while Davido announced his own new multimillion naira deal with Pepsi joining the ranks of other celebrities, who already have deals with telecommunications corporations and other blue chip companies.
Here, Saturday Beats profiles some of the great musicians and celebrities who have yet to get that multimillion-naira call.
With a repertoire of songs that has continued to be favourite among lovers of sublime and highly deep music, it is a surprise that no company has yet to snatch up Asa, whose birth name is Bukola Elemide.
Asa, unlike many of her Nigerian counterparts, has yet to give up the aesthetics of her music in favour of club appeal and the likely commercial value that comes with that. Many believe this has to do with where her music career took off, France, a country in which she is equally well regarded.
With her first album, Asa, released in 2007, Asa has continued to be a music icon, loved in Africa and beyond.
 Nse Ikpe Etim
Multiple-award winning actress, Nse, has continued to dazzle among her peers in Nollywood, creating for herself a reputation as a great thespian that cannot be overlooked. But despite this, while the likes of Eniola Badmus, Omoni Oboli, Dakore Egbuson etc have sealed multi-million naira deals with different companies either recently or in the past, 41-year-old Nse has yet to enjoy this kind of recognition. But career wise, nothing in her performance in various movies shows she is going away anytime soon.
 Mercy Johnson
Saying this 31-year-old darling of Nollywood has featured in a lot of movies is an understatement. In fact, at a time, fans expressed the fear that she might become “over-used”, an issue many actors and actresses before her faced for being featured in tons of movies within every single year, costing them their appeal among viewers.
Mercy Johnson is still going strong in the industry, which is why it is a surprise that no company has yet to propose an endorsement deal to her.
 Tonto Dikeh
With marriage, it seems the once controversial actress, Tonto Dikeh, has slowed down. Many would say that the fact that she never shied away from controversial issues and actions might not have made her the perfect candidate for companies that seek to run away from image problems. But the actress, who has been in the industry for at least 10 years, has a loyal fan base that have her back no matter the number of scandals and controversies that have been associated with her.

Missing Jim Iyke and his controversies?

Nollywood bad boy, Jim Iyke is one hunk of a man who hardly go into hiding no matter the situation he finds himself. But in recent times, the actor may have yielded to pressure from all quarters and decided to withdraw into his shell to rebrand and shame his haters. In fact, since he came into limelight in 2001, featuring in over 200 films, Jim Iyke has always been in the news either for the right or wrong reasons.
The last that was heard of him was when he featured in actress Joselyn Dumas’
programme on Africa Magic last year. During the programme, the controversial actor gave the number of women he has kissed on set as 200, and went ahead to explain why he started his reality show, “Jim Iyke Unscripted” featuring himself and his ex-girlfriend and now, mother of twins, Nadia Buari. Jim’s name is synonymous with controversy, and that’s one attribute his fans are missing about him. Recall that last year , before he finally disappeared into thin air, a PR Manager, simply known as Baudex, accused Jim Iyke of not paying for the services he rendered to the actor. The said Baudex who claimed to be the actor’s social media PR Manager, alleged that the actor owed him some amount of money which he has refused to pay since last year, stating that the actor decided to block him on his social media applications because he had been calling him to ask for the balance of his money. The allegation was one of the many controversies that have trailed Jim Iyke’s acting career. It has equally endeared him to many admirers. Then, it was one trouble or the other. But the one that hit him most was the case of the daughter of a Lagos-based business man who claimed that Jim Iyke impregnated her. Her pregnancy became a subject of controversy, even after the father made the lady confess who was responsible for the pregnancy, she still claimed she had been having a secret affair with Jim Iyke. But despite all the controversies, Jim Iyke was still respected and admired by many as one of the most sought after actors in Nollywood. It’s unfortunate that in recent times, he has gone underground to have his peace.

Woman stabs boyfriend to death for calling her a whore

A woman who stabbed her partner to death after while suffering from ‘battered woman syndrome’ has been jailed.
Sophie Butler, 20, launched the attack after Norasab Hussain called her a ‘whore’ in a voicemail message to her mum for talking to another man on May 30 last year.
Butler,, was originally charged with murder but pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility .
The prosecution accepted the plea two psychiatrists found Butler was suffering from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of repeated domestic abuse . The conditions are together known as ‘battered woman syndrome’.
Police said the couple left the town centre in a taxi and travelled to Butler’s flat where the dispute continued, with 33-year-old Mr Hussain phoning her mother and a friend and calling her unfaithful.
She grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed her boyfriend of two years through the chest, fatally penetrating his heart.
Butler was jailed for six years and three months.
Detective Chief Inspector David Giles said:
“Their relationship was volatile and the court heard how domestic abuse was a toxic feature which undoubtedly contributed to an unhealthy relationship and ultimately this untimely death.
“Miss Butler presented evidence to the court in which she described how living in an abusive relationship had had a corrosive effect on her mental health.

How our American dream turned to prostitution in Libya

Two women have opened up on their horrific ordeal and how their dream to travel to America turned into prostitutes in Libya .19 year old Lamidi Basirat and 32 year old Yusuf Omobolanle spoke to Crime Guard .
Recounting her experience, one of the victims, Basirat revealed to Crime Guard that her ordeal started when one of her father’s former tenants in Oyo, Amokeyemi, promised to help her travel to the United States of America.
“I had not finished secondary school when I travelled to Libya last year December. I was just in SS2. It was Amokeyemi, one of our former tenants, that told me that Madam Ebunoluwa lives abroad and would assist me to travel to America, and my parents agreed. After that, they collected N520,000 from my parents which they said was for the procurement of my travelling documents.They told me that I would be a hairdresser. “Amokeyemi and I thereafter travelled from Oyo down to Lagos. And both of us went to the National Theatre in Lagos to meet Madam Ebunoluwa, who was also simply addressed as Alhaja, and her parents: Alhaji Muritala and Alhaja Latifat, his wife.
 “Initially, they said I would board a flight to America, but when the journey actually started, I found out that it was through land that I would be travelling. We took a night bus to Kano, from there boarded another vehicle to Agadex, in Niger Republic. “On our way, I met other girls. We sat at the back of a Hilux jeep. We were given garri, groundnut, five litres of water and sugar. There were about 25 of us inside the jeep, and there were over 30 jeeps conveying people to Libya.
“Madam Ebunoluwa gave us blankets, head warmers, socks and hand gloves. We met security officials of Niger, who beat us up, collected our valuables and money and raped some of us too, while using their phones to take pictures of our nakedness. According to them, the reason they beat us up was because they knew that most of us were being trafficked to Libya for prostitution. “When eventually we got to Tripoli, in Libya, I met a relative of Madam Ebunoluwa, and I saw over a hundred girls of different ages.” “It was a terrible journey and several people died”
 The second victim, Omobolanle, who travelled with Basirat informed Crime Guard that
“Before I travelled, I already had a child, and was working as an auxiliary nurse in a private hospital. “Three years ago, my sister’s husband who is an Alfa, called me that he had someone, Amokeyemi, who lives in Cairo and who comes to the mosque for prayers; and that Amokeyemi had promised to assist them if they had any sister who was interested in travelling to Cairo, Egypt. My in-law claimed that Amokeyemi was working as a maid and since I was already a nurse, I could also work there. Barrister Omowale “So, Amokeyemi tried to process my travelling papers for me. Later last year, she ( Amokeyemi) called to say that her job was no more lucrative, that she would be coming down to Nigeria and that she would like to take me to the US instead. So she came to Nigeria and we met.
 She explained that her uncle, Alhaji Muritala, and his wife live in America and that she wanted to travel there and that if I was interested, she would talk to her uncle for me. “Later, she called me to say that Alhaji would collect N500,000 for travelling documents and processing. I went to my parents and explained to them and they said America had a lot of opportunities for me to continue with my education as well as work.
“At about 3pm on the appointed day, Amokeyemi and I went to the National Theatre to see Alhaja Latifat and her husband, Alhaji Muritala. We gave them the money, N500, 000, raised by my family. That was in October and she said that I should get prepared and that in December, I would be travelling. “So on December 15, Amokeyemi called that I should get ready to travel to America. She said I should pay another N500,000 for my apartment. When I told my parents, they almost lost interest, but concluded that as we had started the process, there was nothing we could do but to complete the balance, provided I would be comfortable over there.
 My father invited her to his office in Owena in Ojota area of Lagos, where they paid her another N500,000. “On that December 18, Amokeyemi called me in the morning to get set to travel, and not take any luggage. My father then gave me another N20,000 as pocket money. “During our second meeting, also at the National Theatre, Alhaji Sanni and his wife offered us food because they were in a hurry after collecting the money. Alhaji assured me that he would give me one of his agent’s contact, Mr. Tijani’s phone numbers, that he would assist us to our destination. “When we got to Kano at about 6pm, I called the number, and Tijani came with a vehicle which we boarded.
 When I questioned him, he said I should keep quiet, that we were passing via Boko Haram territory in the desert. I pleaded with him to let me get down, that I was no longer interested in continuing with the journey, but he refused. Later I noticed that he was communicating with another driver. “When we got to a point, he stopped and trans-loaded us to another vehicle where we met other travellers before we got to Niger. When we got there, I bought a SIM card to enable me call family members and tell my parents where I was. “We got to Niger at night so we were asked to sleep in a hall with a lot of people lying down on the ground. I fainted twice after receiving beating from soldiers for refusing to sleep with them.
 “At about 5pm, we continued the journey with another agent carrying us to Agadex, where I met over 500 young girls with about 50 young men. Most of the young men wanted to cross from Libya to Spain and Italy because it is easy for them there. “I was like, was this really a journey to America? It was a terrible journey and several people died as they fell off the jeep because it was a desert terrain. One young girl fell off the vehicle and the sand covered her. I kept praying that God should deliver me. “From Agadex, we travelled to Gatrun, a town in Libya, and met one Baba Mary and Iya Mary who are also agents. They called Alhaji Sanni to tell him that his visitors had arrived. So they put us in a vehicle that would take us to Alhaji’s Sanni’s house in Libya. We got there on December 25, 2015.
We got there in the night so we had to stay in a ghetto till dawn and we had to stay awake not to be raped. “From there, we got to Saba, another town in Libya before we were taken to Alhaji Sanni’s house. At Saba, they collected our phones. The strange thing was that the drivers were all Arabs, who instructed us to cover our body as the authorities must not see us. Inside the Space bus, we were not allowed to sit, rather we squatted inside the bus while they used blankets to cover us, and put our luggages on our body to prevent the authorities to know that we were inside the vehicle. “We finally got to the house, a hotel, with the inscription Welcome to New York. The garage was Alhaji Sanni’s house.
 In front of the house, they have a tailoring shop, a hair dressing and barbing saloon, and a cosmetics shop, which they use as camouflage to wade off suspicion. When we got there, we met Alhaja Latifat’s brother, AZ, who supervised the place. He gave us bathing soap, shampoo and body cream. He asked us to have our bath, and they gave us food. With AZ’s phone, I called Alhaji Sanni and told him where I was. He said that was his house and that that was my final destination. I said no, that was not true. He asked if AZ had not given me my job description, and that if I could not see younger girls working.
I told him I didn’t know the job they were doing, that I would wait for him to come, then explain to me. Immediately, I called my father and told him what was happening. “Later, some other girls who saw how uncomfortable I was, came to ask me why I came to Libya. Instead of replying, I asked them why they came. They asked me if I took oath. In shock, I said no. Then they said I was lucky; that they were all under oath. They told me they were taken to one herbalist called Eye in Abeokuta, where their photographs, pubic hair, armpit hair, full names, mothers’ names were all taken. “Finally, they revealed what I was most scared of: They had all been forced into prostitution and Alhaji and Alhaja have four connection houses in Libya!
“Because of the authorities in Libya, the girls could not go out. So Niger men would come to the hotel and sleep with them. They have a record book which they use to record their prostitution work. One of them must sleep with about 15 men daily. The men use sex-enhancing drugs before engaging in sex with any of the girls. And each of them would pay ten denai, which is equivalent to N1,000; while the men pay fifty denai for all-night sex, which is N5,000. “The men don’t use condom. The girls also said that Alhaji collects the money each client pays for sleeping with them. I also met a girl named Abigail who works for Alhaji as a nurse; she helps the girls who get pregnant to terminate the pregnancies.
 “We were only given food once a day; no food in the morning, no food in the afternoon. We ate Banku only at night, which is made like Semovita. “On Saturday, January 9, Alhaji asked me why I was not working, and why I was not allowing Basirat to work, that I was a very pretty lady and that I would make it in this job.
“I said that was not our arrangement and that I couldn’t do prostitution. I begged him to help me get another job even if it was housemaid. Alhaji called his herbalist to find out if I would be successful in prostitution. And the herbalist said I would make it. However, when Alhaji realised I was determined to return to Nigeria, he said my family would have to offer him two million naira. I told him yes, that would be done.”
 She concluded:
“That gave me an opportunity to call my family who contacted Prince Tunji Osokoya, a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, USA. He was the one that informed the Director of Alliance for Rights Defender, the NGO that also contacted the parents of Basirat, informing them of their daughter’s plight, that the America she travelled to had turned out to be Libya and nursing work had become prostitution.”
 It was gathered that the NGO helped to arrest Madam Ebunoluwa, and her mother, Alhaja Latifat Sanni. Unfortunately, Alhaji Muritala Sanni escaped while daughter and mother were handed over to NATIP operatives for further investigations.

Five (5) Types Of Women Who Will Only End Up Wasting Your Time

The Gold Digger
You’ve probably at one point in time or another come across these ones, especially if you’re financially buoyant. Whether or not you spend on her is up to you and that doesn’t make her a gold digger. However, what does make her a gold digger is if after spending a lot of your resources on her, she still rebuffs your advances, doesn’t show any interest in you; but she wants you to keep taking care of her bills, taking her to places with no sign that the relationship is moving forward over time.
Spending much more on her thinking she’ll grow to like or want you is wasting your time and your hard earned money.
If she isn’t into you when you take her to the movies or a picnic in the park, make no mistakes bro, taking her to 5 star dining won’t make a difference either…talk to your legs.
She’s Still Into Her Ex
If she’s the type that can’t get over her ex, it’s probably ’cause she still got feelings for him and chances are they are still having intimate relationship.
When her emotions are elsewhere, you’ll never connect on a deeper level. Though you might be able to have a fling or a rebound relationship with her, have it in mind that you may not progress any further.
 The “Let’s Just Be Friends
This classic line is what most women say to let a guy down gently. That’s just her being nice and not telling you bluntly that she’s not interested. Truth is, she doesn’t see you as a potential romantic partner. If this is what she says anytime you make advances, bruh, you’ve been friend-zoned. You should move on as quickly as possible to avoid wasting your time and putting yourself through a fruitless emotional see-saw.
She’s Not That Into You
No matter how hard you try to impress her, she’s just not interested in you. There’s nothing worse than falling for these type of women and it’s even more worse if she’s a colleague, a friend or someone you come in contact with everyday. Seeing each other regularly makes getting over her almost impossible as the feelings rekindles anytime you set eyes on her.
The best you can do is to avoid her and cut contact for a while. If you’re colleagues or close friends, it might be impossible to avoid her completely, it will help if you keep things proffessional or friendly for a while, at least till you find someone else or have totally erased the feelings you have for her.
She’s Always “Busy”
If she’s the type that always give excuses about being busy, chances are she only sees you as a guy she can have at her beck and call. You need to turn the table around, make yourself ‘unavailable’. The next time she gives those excuses, avoid her for a week or more. That might give her enough time to realize that she misses you or that she actually likes you.
But if she’s still as elusive as ever, ditch her bro and move on to the next one, I mean there’s no point in staying in touch with someone who can’t be bothered to invest some time in you.
There are too many women out there to stick to someone who don’t appreciate you or your worth.

Forget the economy, give your love life A-Z boost!

RECENTLY,I heard two person discussing on how to improve your love life. And what better time to start than now to relieve the stress of the economy? I was musing on this when I came across an A to Z guide to a sexier you by a sexologist, Catherine Hood. So I’ve decided to adapt it for readers’ delight. You’ll definitely find the tips worth trying. Enjoy!
A-is for aphrodisiacs: Food can spice up love-making. Include plenty of suggestively shaped nibbles you have to eat with your fingers like asparagus and bananas, and add a little luxury with juicy grapes, and, of course, chocolate.
B-is for bondage: We have five senses, all used in love-making. Using a blindfold can heighten other senses like touch. Go further and use restraints and your victim is powerless to resist.
C-is for contraception: Unless you’re planning to get pregnant in 2016, get yourself some effective contraception.
D-is for dating: The internet has opened up new ways to meet sexual partners chatting online. Or take up a hobby or an activity that will help you meet new people.
E-is experimentation: Add something new in 2016. If you are usually passive in bed,take the lead and surprise your partner.
F-is for fantasy: Most men and women use fantasy in bed. Sometimes the story lines are extreme; at other times more tame and predictable. Thinking about another person while having sex is not infidelity.
 G-is for sex god or goddess: Great sex starts with knowing yourself. Get in touch with your desires through self-play. Sex toys can help you explore your erogenous zones but you can use them on your lover to discover theirs too.
H-is for hair and makeup: Being sexy isn’t about having a perfect physique; it’s about being confident in your own skin. Tone up your muscles through exercise and smooth your skin with exfoliation.
I-is for infection: Don’t become another sexual health clinic statistic. Whether you plan to have multiple partners in 2016 or to meet just one special person, don’t take risks until you’ve both had an infection screen. Insist on condoms.
J-is for jealousy: There is little that will ruin a relationship quicker than jealousy. Keep your cool.
 K-is kissing: There is nothing sexier than a really good kiss. Get back to basics and improve your kissing techniques. Involve your tongue and your teeth by nibbling around their lips. Make kissing a central part of your love-making.
 L-is for libido: Stress and anxiety are the biggest passion killers so try to reduce the worries in your life and priorities some time and space for sex in 2016. Make a resolution to tackle any discord in your relationship rather than letting resentments gather. If you’ve been feeling low, see your GP and get some help.
M-is for massage: Massage is a wonderful addition to foreplay. What better way to chase away the stresses of the working day in preparation for an erotic evening? Touching and caressing your lover’s body helps you get in touch with their feelings and can ignite the erogenous zones making them more receptive to love making. You don’t have to be an expert masseuse; simply caress the skin and ask your lover to give feedback about pressure and how quickly to move your fingers. Start with small circular movements with your thumbs and don’t press too hard. Begin with the shoulders, move down the back and then from the ankles up to the thighs.
N-is for new start: If you’re pining for a lost love or holding out for a reluctant beau, then make 2016 the year you move on and find a partner who gives you some love in return. Who knows what wonderful surprises 2016 has in store?
O-is for oral: Oral sex is one of the favourite foreplay techniques. Arguably it’s a more intimate act than having penetrate sex, and many find it just as physically satisfying. But not everybody enjoys oral sex and it’s important to respect your partner’s wishes. To protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections, use flavoured condoms with new partners.
P -is for positions: Try some new positions this year. The angle of penetration can alter sexual stimulation. Q-is for question: We are all experts in what turns us on, so when you have new lovers take time to ask them what they like. We give feedback in bed not only by what we say, but also in how our body moves. If you’re too shy to ask directly then pay attention to what your lover’s body is telling you.
R-is for romance: Whether you’re dating or in a long-term relationship, there should always be a place for romance in your sex life. Romance feeds the emotional aspect of your sex drive in the same way intercourse satisfies the physical urge. Small acts can be just as romantic as big gestures —-cook your lover a meal, send them a few romantic texts or run them relaxing bath with scented candles.
S-is for seduction: All good things come to those who wait. If you’re single and dating then boost your success rates by brushing up your seduction techniques. Let your eyes do the talking by holding your intended lover’s gaze for a little longer than normal. Take time to listen to what your lover is saying to you and show you’re interested in more than just their body.
T-is for technique: It can boost your sexual confidence to know you can perform a particular erotic signature move. Choose a sex act you enjoy giving to others and perfect your technique so you can perform with confidence with a new partner.
 U-is for underwear: Is your knicker drawer looking tired, grey and uninspiring? Then invest in some new lingerie or underwear. Many men like to see their ladies wearing something fancy and seductive… but women too like to see men looking trim in their undies.
V-is for vulva pain: Painful sex is a common complaint among women. If you’ve been suffering in silence go and seek help. There are many potential causes, from fungal infections that are easily treated to psychosexual problems that can be improve by therapy.
W-is for water: If you want to enjoy a really indulgent and prolonged sex session with your partner then incorporate a shower or bath into your foreplay. Giving your love a good soap and scrub can be very seductive.
X-is for Love Letters: With e-mail, messaging and texts it’s easy to lose the art of writing a love letter but there is nothing quite like receiving a hand-written note.
 Y-is for Yes: Embrace new experiences in 2016. If you’ve got stuck in a rut with a relationship or being single, then resolve to change your situation.
Z – is for sleep: Don’t burn the candle at both ends. Make sure you get enough sleep to enjoy life in 2016. Your sexual appetite will suffer if you ‘re too tired.

RECENTLY, I had been inundated with requests from you readers on how to improve your love life. And what better time to start than now to relieve the stress of the economy? I was musing on this when I came across an A to Z guide to a sexier you by a sexologist, Catherine Hood. So I’ve decided to adapt it for readers’ delight. You’ll definitely find the tips worth trying. Enjoy!

Read more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/05/forget-economy-give-love-life-z-boost/